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4. Electronics production

Group 1 (Ito-Yamada)

characterize the design rules for your in-house PCB production process send a PCB out to a board house


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CNC Machine

Genmitsu PROVerXL 4030¶

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Working area: 400 x 300 x 110mm
Control Board Compatibility: GRBL 1.1h
Spindle: 300W 6A, 12,000 RPM
Max speed: 2000mm/min
Accuracy: 0.1 mm
Overall Machine Size: 641 x 755.5 x 580mm
Machine Weight: 26kg
Collet (in package): 1/8” Shank


30 Deg V-bit

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1/64 inch flat endmill

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Power solvent & Scraper

A power solvent and a scraper can be used to remove double-sided tape that is fixed to the circuit board. alt text


Generate G-code from PNG

mods CE(

Setting with V-bit and 0.7mm

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Trace data

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Interior data

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gSender (Send g-code to CNC milling machine)

  1. Driver Instllation
    alt text
  2. Connect CNC machine to PC(USB Port) alt text
  3. Moving the drilling motor to the start position. alt text
  4. Use two monkey wrenches to secure the bit alt text
  5. What to do after launching g-Sender. alt text

5-1. Select the connected Milling machine from the pulldown menu and establish a connection between the PC and the machine.

5-2. After loading the milling data, move the bit to the starting position for cutting. For the Z-coordinate, carefully lower the bit while placing a single sheet of paper between the material and the bit. The appropriate zero point is when the paper is caught between the material and the bit, and cannot be moved.

5-3. Once the X, Y, and Z positions are determined, press the respective buttons to set the zero points.

Press “Start Job” button to start the milling.

  1. Milling the traces first alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text
  2. Milling the interior alt text alt text
  3. Rsults alt text

Last update: March 17, 2024