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1. Project management

This week I worked on defining my final project idea and started to getting used to the documentation process.


Last semester, for the joint final project of my Geometry class and into to digital fabrication class, our assignment our final project was to imagine a world that applies by a different geometry to ours. We would also have to fabricate a model of some aspect or artifact of the world using the fab lab. Our model was a laser cut 8in x 8in x 8in acrylic box with strips of neopixels travelling along the 3d printed rails. My group was the only group to create electronics and use neopixels, so when it was done, I remember my professor remarking that Our project reminded her of what is done in fab academy. I want to try to take this project to the next level using the skills I learned from attempting it the first time along with the skills I will learn from taking fab academy.

Last update: June 30, 2022