

For the communication, we need a bus that puzzles can connect to and be removed from.
RS485 is a robust technology for this.


There are a lot of protocols for RS485Address, strongly focused on factories. ModBUS is one of the most well-known. It is however limited to what can be communicated. We will therefor write a small protocol ourselves.
rs485 testing

The controller has to be able to:

  • address individual puzzles
  • send commands
  • send data (solutions for the puzzle)
  • receive updates on the status

This results in this protocol.

  graph LR

Bits will be sent Most-Significant-Bit first (also known als Little Endian).


The address is a block of 8 bits. This allows for addressing 256 individual puzzles. The following addresses have been assigned:

Address Description
0x00 Controller
0x01 Master mind
0x02 Digital safe
0x03 Simon says
…. ….
0xFF Broadcast


The command is a block of 8 bits. This allows for addressing 256 individual commands. The following command are defined:

Command Data Response Description
0x00 null <ACK> Ident
0x01 null <status> Get status
0x02 null <ACK> Set active
0x03 null <ACK> Set inactive
0x10 <data> <ACK> Set solution
0xFF null <ACK> Reset


The data is a blob of 32 bits, depending on the command being send.
If no data has to be send, it will be all zeros (0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00).


Response Response Description
0x00 <ACK> Message acknowledged, no further action
0x01 <NACK> Message received, but not acknowledged
0x02 Solved Status: puzzle solved
0x03 Not solved Status: puzzle solved

Security (spiral)

The communication will be encrypted, since people should not be able to fake signals and get to the treasure that way. AES-128 is a standard algorythm that can be implemented in a very light way on the microcontrollers. It will contain mechanisms to prevent sniffing, replay attacks and command injection.