Class Assignments

Final Project 1.0

CAD Adventures

CAM Awesomeness

Electronic Stuff

3-D Printing

More Electronics


Make it BIG!

Molding + Casting

Spring Break!

Input Devices

Output Devices






Final Project





front steps

i am an artist. i returned to my home of Detroit.

Interests include: exploring relational dynamics,

limitlessness, and universal interconnectedness.


Where are We?

Welcome to the new frontier of my brain... for so long i have leaned to the right; now its time to flex the left - and hopefully meet somewhere in the middle...

Expressing imagination through words, images, gardening, co-creating with my hands + heart has been my M.O. for the past 33 years. i am excited for this new adventure in fab academy, and surely if i can do it... anybody can....