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Output Devices
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Output Devices

In this assigment i worked with Satoshi Itaya and we wanted to do a car with a webcam, it could be controlled using the computer. I designed the car and adapted the motor and camera, this are the photos.

For this assignment we should work together, we both should decide what kind of car we want to do, the concept and the electronic components. But then Satoshi did an interface for controlling this car in the computer. I made the design of the car and the mechanical parts.


As first protitype it should have a surface to cover that could be easy opened to change the configuration of the car or change the connections.

Here we are using microcontrollers for dc motors (one in each wheel) this motors are connected to a ATmega8 - PU chip, it works like one arduino, it could be programmed using the arduino interface but we did it using atmel studio. Of course I'm product designer and is better for me to use arduino to programm but i decided to learn how to programm in C language, so Satoshi was teaching me this way to programm.



At the beginning we wanted to use the cammera component, but here is too hart to have one so we are testing the prototype with a webcam, unfortunatly the same that we use for the wednesday class.

The details of all parts could be found in the website of Satoshi Itaya

The parts of the car designed in rhino:

The assembled car:


For moving the camera i used the academy library for output devices


I decided to follow Neil's tutorial for making the servo board, then i found all components on fab library and started to programm it.

i did two servo boards but just one was working


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