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Applications and Implications

      What will it do?

This proyect is a portable CNC machine that provides the user a basic tool for digital fabrication. The idea is to develop a machine as a finished product that would be working on a school or an institute to teach the new topics about digital fabrication.


     Who's done what beforehand?

There are a lot of 3d printeres, even portables but we aim to build a cnc for the latinoamerican context. In our context a 3d printer like 3d up, replicator or cubex is almost a luxury machine. Here the cost of importation and shipping duplicates the original price. Some particular machines that were taken as reference for our final project machine are:

Here the link:

The Printbot machines are an example what we want to make in the Latinoamercan context. This machines are made for people who want to know how a cnc work. Following this business model we want to teach the people specially at schools how a cnc work, the potential of digital fabrication and with this people and this experience create more aplications for a cnc.

Another reference is the XY core and HB 25 H because it has less pieces and we found it as a good way to start learning how a cnc machine works.


All this reference aims to show how a cnc work and this is what we want to do with this project.


      What materials and components will be required?

Most materials are available in our context, one important thing is to have all materials in our city. I thing this was the most difficult point of the investigation because we started searching recycled motors. If we think about the cnc considering all processes and materials avilable in most european or northamerican countries we would have to import all components, the examples and references show us how everything work and then we adapt this solutions with the availables resourses.

Only Motors, belts and some particular components will be imported because this are not available in our country.


     Where will they come from?
Most components will be bought from USA there are a lot of providers, and the cost of 3 motors is arround 90 dolars plus importation issues arround 150 dolars.

The rest of components could be found here. MDF costs arround 12 dollars enough for 2 machines. Teflon is also available here.

For the prototype we will use recycled materials because is the only way to find this kind of stepper motors here in Lima. We could find also belts, bushings and all what we need from old discarted machines.

This is a typical store of electronic things here in Lima but they don't have most of the components that we need for the assignments. We should adapt or recycle components.

This is another kind of market where we could find some components on the street for prototyping our project.

      How much will it cost?

Total cost of the machine including importet components would be arround 300 dollars.

      What parts and systems will be made?

The structure wold be made with mdf of 3.2 milimeters. This material is too weak for this structure, we should make a laminated composite using glass fiber or just gue but pasting 3 parts.

The mechanism would use dimensionated shaft (available in local market) and bushings that we could fabricate in a lathe.

Screws are available in local market.

Other components as motors and belts should be imported.

      What processes will be used?

Only Laser will be used because, this is the most quickly and easy method to prototype something. Is also good for making diferent things like packing rings and also gives a good finishing perfect cutted. It is also possible to ad a logo with raster.


      What tasks need to be completed?

1) Explore solutions and components available in the market, also define what we want to do as our first cnc machine

2) Design the model on SolidWorks and make sure that everything will work, simulate movements.

3) Make a optimization cut file

4) Assembly the machine: make the composite material, and assembly with the screws all pieces.

5) See the mistakes and find solutions on the praxis.

6) In paralell should be developed the electronic part and it should be tested on the real model.

7) Make test of our prototype

      What questions need to be answered?

1) ¿How much is the cheapest machine that we could make with our components?

2) ¿How long time will take the serial fabrication of 1 product using digital fabrication?

3) ¿How difficult ist to assembly the machine?

4) ¿It would be durable? ¿is the wood or mdf enough for a machine?


     How will it be evaluated?

This prototype 2 of the machine will try to be more replicable, we couldn't import motors because it will take more than a month but we could work again with the recycled motors. So the most important thing to evaluate for us is how easy to replicate is the machine.

Another important point is how efective is this machine been used as milling machine. Also important is the time of lyfe of the machine, this is very important because we don't know how resistent will be our new composite material.





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