Project management
Computer-aided design
Computer-controlled cutting
Electronics production
3D scanning and printing
Electronics design
Molding and casting
Embedded programming
Computer-controlled machining
Input devices
Interface and App. programming
Output Devices
Networking and comunications
Mechanical Design
Machine Design
Applications and Implications
Invention, Intellectual Property
Project Development
Final Project Presentations
Extra Project
presentation contact

Invention, Intellectual Property, Income

Disemination Plan:

This project is the start of a big project that aims to promote and disseminate the digital fabrication and the new cnc technologies in Latinoamerica.


This first Stage of the project start on the Mechanical Desgin and Machine Design assignment. We developed the most simple CNC with components of other machines, to get this components that are not available in our country and also to know how this other machines (printers mostly) were built.

Finishing this project we found a lot of possibilities and uses of CNC machine but the first thing is to let know the people that this technologie is possible to develop and that we could create our own machines for different uses. That's why our first idea is to use our first replicable prototype as an educational machine, so in the schools the kids and teenagers could interact with the most simple CNC machine, they will make this interaction in 3 ways:

1) First of all understand how it works, which possibilities has, which limitations and which other cnc machines exists and the advantages

2) Then the students will know how to assembly a cnc machine, having only the files and importet components.

3) Finally they would feel the need to have another kind of cnc machines to make diferent products, maybe more industrial things. So they will modify the machine and create new possibilites according to their needs.

Referencial photos taken from

We are planning to use a similar bussiness model as PrintrBot. We will sell the machines assembled and unassembled at the most cheaper price as we could. Also we will upload the pieces for cutting if the users would like to build all by themselfs.

At the same time we would like to give as a company the training about cnc to teachers, schools, and public in general that is interested about this. The idea is to show our product and promote the digital fabrication.

We could also develope more models of cnc machine for different levels more simple and more complicated.

A second part of this first stage would be to develope diferent machines that could be placed on strategical points to be exposed and to pick the interest of the people about cnc and digital fabrication.

For example a fruit cnc that will create a sculpture of fruit in minutes making a show for the people or a dessert dispenser that create an ice cream with the form that the person draw on a smartphone. This last would be a xy core with a fixed z axis that extrude the ice cream.



Then the second stage ist to develpe more industrial machines. Having alredy the culture of creating technologia according to the context and needs. We aim to develope machines that could solve the problems of each region building particulary machines, for example cnc plasma or something more special like cnc cutter or printer for ice or salt.


For example this are blocks of salt cutted in the Uyuni salt desert, they cut it from the people cut this blocks from the floor to build furniture and even houses

Another application is cutting ice

Maybe this applications are really complicated but based on the Knowledge of the first stage of the project, it would be possible to create a machine ajusted to the need of each place.

© copyright 2013 Web Design by Ricardo Torres Aragón