Project Development

Work on your final project, documenting your progress.

This final project has been worked on alongside the assignments since approximately Week 5. A lot of the documentation for it can be found in the appropriate weeks.

As it is a group project, in order to meet the requirements I want to design my own hive using a 3D design tool. As I've been using Rhino and Grasshopper almost exclusively on this course I will try to use Sketchup for a change.

Unfortunately the laser network hasn't worked as effectively as I would have liked. I definitely need a stronger laser, but the laws of powerful laser usage are a bit of a legal grey area in Spain due to the way they have been historically used to dazzle players in football grounds.

Following on from this I will design and fabricate my Kenyan Top Bar hive and build a prototype of the bee-counter that will sit in its entrance.

Spiral Development has been a great workflow to follow as I often find myself getting carried away with grandiose ideas and never completing anything. I'm extremely glad that the warning "start small and then iterate" was hammered into us for the first couple of weeks.