Embedded Programming
In this week we are assigned to read a microcontroller data sheet, program our board to do something and use different programming languages and programming environments as possible
The microcontroller is an integrated circuit built to control the operation of the embedded system. The microcontroller can be programmed to do whatever reequired depends on the required operations to do. it has variables inputs and outputs for the action needed.
To program The board that has been made in week 7 we need usbtiny isp or any other available programmer so I used arduino uno as a a programmer. In this case we to setup the arduino uno board to be a programmer by following the steps:
Arduino ISP selection
select the board and the port for uploading
Now we can upload the code for arduino uno board
in this step we need to connect the specified Pins of arduino uno board to the pins of the board which has been made in week 7
After confirmation of the wires connectin we need to connect the usb cable of arduino uno board to PC and setup the following settings for the code uploading . The code I made to switch ON/OFF the led repeatedly in certain time
The Code
Now we are going to upload the code which will make the micro controller to switch the LED ON/OFF repeatedly in certain time. Since the LED is connected to pin 8 of the ATtiny 44, and the LED is an output component, in void setup section we need to insert (pinMode (8,OUTPUT);). In void loop we need to inser the following:
Microcontroller Board
The Code