Input Devices
We are assigned to add an input device to a microcontroller we have designed earlier. I used Water sensor as an input
Requires Parts
- Micro controller Board
- Water Sensor
- Jumper wires
- Laptop and Arduino IDE software
- Connect the water sensor the breadboard. connect Vcc and signal my board Analog terminal
- Open Arduino IDE software to type and upload the code to arduino uno board
I used to connect the input to analog 0 pin in the micro controller to recieve the input from the water sensor. sine the seensor need power I added two pins for VCC and Ground. when it read the input is more than 600 the led will switch on otherwise it will remain off. The print in code used to show the read of the input on the monitor of the arduino software.
- I used to make an experiment to test the water sensor to check the difference of the output in the fresh water and Sea water.As a part of my final project, the water sensor is used to allow the micro controller to work while diving only otherwise it will work all the time. When the aluminium traces is shorted by water the out analog signal will increase depends on the area covered by water
Microcontroller Board
Microcontroller Schematic
The code