Assignment 02_project managment

  • 01 get familiar with git
  • 02 personal website
  • 03 final project

01 git

I wrote in the "GIT Homework": Git tutotial > Download and install Git > Homebrew > Download GUI > Generate SSH key > Set local computer with Git > Create local respository and conect to Gitlab repository
After two days of reading ProGit of Scott Chacon and Ben Straub, I could:

  • Download and Install Git... and write "git" very excited.
  • Download and Install GUI (GitHub Desktop)... which I did not know how to use.
  • Download Homebrew... and does not understand what password was asking to install it.
  • Generate an SSH key... even though I'm not sure what is its function.
  • DON´T understand how to create my repository
  • Definitely, DON´T understand how to clone the other repository.

Then I surfed the internet through blogs, websites, pdf, etc. and ask my instructor. So, then I understand that:

  • The mysterious password of Homebrew was the password of my computer (you need administrator permission).
  • Understand that I need the SSH key for push my repository to GitLab.
  • Finally, create my local repository and clone with the one in GitLab.
  • I change the global core editor form "vi" to "nano", which is more easy to use.

Definitely was a change of mind...

02 personal website

For my personal website, I look through a lot previous FabAcademy student's websites. Ones that help me a lot was the one of Ana Cabral.

Her website was very well structured and she attached Codeacademy tutorials (available for free), from where I learn the basics of HTML. She also advises download Brackets, a text/code editor where you can work with HTML and CSS, which I am using to edit the code of my website. You can check how your page looks like while you build it.

To the structure of my main page, I download a template from w3schools, it was very useful.

As you probably notice, I m still have problems managing the CSS, but I'm studying.

I also recommend to people that don't speak and write native english, Grammarly, a free app that corrects your spelling. Probably my text is still not perfect but helps a lot with basic spelling and grammar problems.

03 final project

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