I drew a vision on how I wanted the background to look and it absolutely did not work. See "2. Designing the website" for more information
I also tried adding multiple layers, applying events, and asking a friend for help. I did not work.
Finally, I was able to solve the issue using separate test pages. Please go to W2 - Computer aided design, then "Alternative desinges" for more info.
I already had experience with GitHub and GitLab, so I was familiar with most of the setup process.
Account Setup: I created an account, set my preferred email address and username in GitBash following these tutorials:
SSH Key Setup: My supervisor and I authorized our connection using an SSH key pair, as described in GitLab's SSH documentation. The lecture recommended using the ed25519-sk key pair, which I implemented successfully.
You may need to find your generated key in your files. To do this, follow the path described by Gitbash in your "Explore files" program. Open the .pub file and copy that into the "add new keygen" under "SSH" in your user account settings. Cloned the repository into a local directory via git clone.
Organizing Files:Organized local files to match the GitLab repository structure. Compressed images using this website to improve page loading time and reduce server memory overload.
Version Control Commands:
From my previous project, I realized the importance of having a clear vision before starting the design to avoid rework and wasted time.
Design Approach:
Concept: I wanted the design to reflect the modularity of my final project. I settled on arranging cubes like a puzzle with changing colors.
Background Design: Created multiple background layers
Initial Tools:Started with CodePen for visual feedback. Switched to the W3Schools online editor, where I found a blog template for its layout.
Challenges:Online editors couldn’t display images. I solved this by watching this YouTube tutorial and downloading the LiveServer extension for VSCode The LiveServer extension enabled live previews, including image rendering.
Helpful Resources Used:
Sadly, it it seems like my layers are "cancelling each other out". As such, the current background of my website is white.
This week, I finalized the official project proposal for the Puzzling Robots, which provided most of the content for my website documentation on the final project.
Steps Taken: