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12. Networking and Communications

Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate workflows used in network design
  • Implement and interpret networking protocols and/or communication protocols


In this documentation, I will describe my contribution to the group assignment “Sending Messages using ESP32-C3” during the Networking and Communications week of Fab Academy. The assignment aimed to establish communication between two devices using the Xiao ESP32-C3 microcontroller, focusing on Bluetooth as the communication method. I will summarize the tasks accomplished in the group assignment and explain how I extended the functionality to control an LED and a buzzer connected to a development board that I designed and produced in a previous week.

Group Assignment

During the Networking and Communications week of Fab Academy, our group collaborated on a project centered around establishing communication between two projects using the Xiao ESP32-C3 microcontroller. The primary objective was to send messages wirelessly between devices, utilizing Bluetooth as the communication method.

We began by selecting Bluetooth due to its widespread availability and compatibility with various devices. Bluetooth offers a reliable means of exchanging data over short distances, making it suitable for our project’s requirements.

Our setup consisted of two nodes: Node 1, comprising the Xiao ESP32-C3 microcontroller, and Node 2, representing a mobile device such as a smartphone. Node 1 was programmed to receive messages from Node 2 over Bluetooth and display them on the serial monitor of the connected computer.

To achieve this, we utilized Arduino libraries for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication, enabling seamless interaction between the devices. The code for Node 1 included callbacks to handle incoming messages, while Node 2 utilized a mobile application for sending messages to Node 1.

After thorough testing, we successfully demonstrated the transmission of messages between Node 1 and Node 2. This project not only enhanced our understanding of embedded networking and communications but also showcased the practical application of Bluetooth technology in enabling seamless device-to-device communication.

Moving forward, we aim to explore further applications and extensions of this project, leveraging our newfound knowledge to tackle real-world challenges in IoT and embedded systems.

Individual Assignment:

Description of the Development Board

The development board used in this project was designed and produced in a previous week as part of the Fab Academy curriculum. It serves as a platform for experimentation and prototyping, featuring various input and output components. For this project, I utilized the board’s capabilities to interface with an LED and a buzzer.


To achieve my goal, I connected the Xiao ESP32-C3 microcontroller to the development board, enabling communication between the mobile device and the LED/buzzer components. I modified the existing code to interpret incoming messages from the mobile device and trigger actions accordingly. This involved designing a protocol for message interpretation and implementing the necessary logic to control the LED and buzzer based on the received commands.

Testing and Results

Throughout the development process, I conducted extensive testing to ensure the functionality and reliability of the system. By sending different messages from the mobile device, I verified the LED and buzzer responded appropriately, confirming successful communication between the devices. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the integrated solution in enabling remote control of physical components.


In conclusion, my contribution to the group assignment extended its functionality by incorporating hardware control capabilities. This project provided valuable insights into the practical applications of embedded networking and communications, demonstrating how simple devices can be interconnected to enable remote control and automation. Moving forward, I envision further enhancements and applications for this technology, contributing to the advancement of IoT and embedded systems.
