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13. Input Design Week

This week I worked on getting an input device to work with my output board from a couple weeks ago

Group Assignment

Have Not completed yet


For this weeks assignment I chose to connect a PIR motion sensor to my board. I chose a motion sensor because I plant to make my final project motion sensing. The first thing that I did was look up the device I was using called an HC-SR501 motion sensor. When I looked it up I found this website It was very helpful in figuring out the layout of the device and how to use it.

The next thing I did was I made it work with an ardiuno, which I was able to do successsfully using the code from the above website.

Motion Test

The next thing I did was try to hook it to my own board along with neo pixels which I tried unsuccessfully to do for two days until I remembered that one of my headers can only be used for programming and I had fried an Attiny. So I tried it with just the motion sensor and got it to read it. Sadly because the board did not have a pullup resistor on it it could not intepret the data the the motion sensor was sending to it so it came up as a backwards ? on the serial monitor. It Works?

Last update: May 19, 2022