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15.Interface and Application Programming

# 15.Interface and Application Programming

Group Assignment

Compare as many tool options as possible


_Write an application that interfaces a user with an input &/or output device that you made

“Hello?! Is there anybody out there?”

This week we’re connecting our boards to the real world and create an interface for it. My original idea for the week is to…keep it simple! I decided that I want to visualize the value from the hall sensor (from “input devices” week) in bazillion ways, using some of the most common tools to visualize data on the web.

Let’s see where this journey’ll bring us…


The first software that I want to try is Processing. Processing is a flexible software sketchbook and language that we can learn to code withing the context of visual arts

Since it’s my first time using this software (well…it’s my first time in coding field!) I started by learning the language and the interface following the tutorials tha you can find on their original site. In the same site you can find also exemples, documentation, tools and [LIBRARIES]!(