Final Project

What will it do?
A buoy that allows knowing the conditions of the state of the lake water (temperature, waves…), either to enjoy the beach or the sports that are practiced on it with information on the waves as well.
Who’s done what beforehand?
There are commercial products, with an amount of €10,000 to €20,000.
The measurements that commercial buoys usually incorporate are height, period and direction of the waves, compass, GPS, speed and direction of the wind, tide and water quality.
One of the commercial buoys is the one made by Darrena.
There is a DIY project on Instructables that is very interesting too Smart Buoy
What will you design?
The buoy to be manufactured almost entirely in 3d printing, and some parts with laser and CNC cutting, and the electronics to send data through Lora and a console to display real-time data on the state of the water. In addition, a website where you can consult the data from any device.
What materials and components will be used?
Material | Amount | Vendor | Cost |
PETG Giantarm | 4x | Amazon | 90 € |
Duttek Cable micro USB | 1x | Amazon | 12 € |
Cable Gland, PG13.5 | 3x | Amazon | 3 € |
Solar panel 90x60cm | 4x | Amazon | 14 € |
M4 Brass Threaded Insert | 1x | Amazon | 10 € |
Castropox 4307/1209 Resina Epoxi | 1x | Castro Composites | 37,15 € |
Micro USB | 1x | Amazon | 12,17 € |
EVA Foam 50x50cm | 1x | 2 € | |
Dome 4,5' | 1x | Aliexpress | 14 € |
Temperature sensor DS18B20 1m | 1x | Aliexpress | 1 € |
Arduino Nano 33 Iot | 1x | Arduino | 20 € |
ATTINY1614 | 1x | Mouser | 1 € |
Methacrylate tube ø90/84mm - 200mm | 1x | Mucho Plástico | 25 € |
SMA Cable RF 30cm RG316 | 1x | Amazon | 6 € |
Where will come from?
Most of the material has been purchased from Mouser, Aliexpress, Castro Pomposites, local shops and Amazon.
How much will they cost?
Manufacturing each buoy has a cost of about €350.
What processes will be used?
3D printing for the buoy and the system integration.
Laser cutting for sealing parts in EVA foam and metatrilate.
Vinyl cut project graphics and stickers.
CNC machining for the buoy support.
CNC milling of electronic board.
Embedded programming for the controller and console.
Epoxy sealing of the entire structure of the buoy, to give it rigidity and make it more watertight.
What questions need to be answered?
1- Will it withstand waves and storms?
2- Will it work?
3- Will it be useful?
4- Will the solar power system work for the months with less sun?
How will it be evaluated?
As the project is planned as a spiral development, the evaluation must also be spiral, depending on the different steps:
1- The prototype of the buoy will initially implement all the sensors, but we will have to analyze if the values are close to reality.
2- A second larger prototype will be manufactured, to see which one behaves better.
3- It will be supported by a website, with environmental information from the lake, history, and news made with it and the activities that are carried out.

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Assignments links
Many assignments I did during the Fab Academy focused on my project, to move forward with it and eliminate spirals.
Week 1 - Principles and Practices January 26 2022
Week 2 - Computer-Aided Design Febrary 2 2022
Week 7 - Computer-Controlled Machining March 9 2022
Week 9 - Molding and casting March 23 2022
Week 12 - Input Devices - Temperature Sensor April 20 2022
Week 12 - Input Devices - Sensor IMU GY-86 April 20 2022
Week 13 - Networking and communications April 27 2022
Week 16 - Applications and Implications May 18 2022
Week 17 - Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income May 27 2022
Final Project Proposal January 26 2022
Final Project Development From January 2022 - June 2022
Final Project 8 June 2022