Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income

Learning Outcomes

Theory and use of things i learnt from this assignment:

Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project.

Individual Assignment

Individual Assignment


  • drafts of your summary slide (presentation.png, 1920x1080)
  • and Video clip (presentation.mp4, 1080p HTML5, < ~minute, < ~10 MB)

and put them in your root directory.

Plan for dissemination

As the purpose of my project is for the benefit of others I will share everything (design files, code etc) for others to easily benefit from. I will at least expect an attribution for recognition of the work I did from which they are building upon, as defined under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license. Others are free to share, copy, adapt, and redistribute it. However, they must give the appropriate credit (and indicate if changes are made), they must use this same license, and it may not be used for commercial purposes.