How to make (almost) anything

by Gabriella Gardosi (Gaia Gaoi)

Web Development

One's own html and the beauty of simplicity

The great thing about learning the base elements of html is to find one's own way of creating a web page. I started with a template which seemed like the simplest way to go about creating a website. However I was getting muddled and didn't understand why/where and what so I backtracked and decided to do a course on Codeacademy.

I did the majority of the html and css course on codeacademy, something I can´t recommend enough (they even award you badges and motivating messages- superfun!). Following the exercises, I managed to envision the real structure behind html, like seeing its skeletal frame.

After codeacademy, I had a firmer grasp of the basic building blocks of html and could see its flexibility.
So I decided to write my own website from scratch! I downloaded Brackets, an amazing open source code editor. Brackets lets you edit with a live preview, it even highlights the part of the web page selected in the html making it easy to connect the dots.

Screenshot of live preview with Brackets- selected html highlights corresponding element on the web page

I also used w3schools which is a great reference for syntax.

I really enjoyed working with and playing with the base elements of html. For the first time, I have embarked on searching for my own style of html. So this is just the beginning…