
Lesson 13

    What I did on this week:
  • I made the hello.bus.45 board (a master one and a node one) that Neil created.
  • I programmed it using an AVRmkII and a FabISP.
  • I tried to change ("hack") the C code (but didn't get success with that).
  • I tested the boards and tried to troubleshoot the code I wrote (also, no success, because of the C libraries on my PearPC).
  • The board was working well (with Neil's code, obviously)!
    • Some images of the board:
    • The master board:
    • The node:
    • Video of the boards working:

      Serial Bus FabAcademy 2014 from Jonathan Ohayon on Vimeo.

      1. How I got to this result (tutorial):
        NOTE: the master board and the bridge board are the same.
      2. Mill the board with those pictures: for the bridge: traces and interior
        and for the nodes: traces and interior
      3. Solder all of the components (here is the board schematic: bridge and node
      4. After that, get your FabISP or AVRISP and your FTDI cable, and get the master board connected to the FTDI and to the AVR.
      5. Then, download the code from here and extract the archive to a folder.
      6. After that, go to you terminal (terminal or cmd, whatever there is on your OS), navigate to the folder using the cd command, and then type in this command: sudo make -f hello.bus.45.make program-usbtiny. If you are using an AVRmkII from Atmel, change the end of the command to avrisp2.
      7. Then, open the C code with your favorite text editor (I recommend Notepad++ for Windows, TextWrangler for Mac and GEdit for Linux) and change the node id (in the #define node_id '0' line) from 0 to 1 (because the master board is number 0).
      8. After that, disconnect your master board from the FabISP or from the AVR and connect a cable from the master 4-pin to the node 4-pin.
      9. Then, repeat step 5 for your node.
      10. After that, open Arduino IDE and open Serial Monitor. Then write in the prompt box 0 or 1.
