
Lesson 1

    What Neil was talking about:
  • What is the FabAcademy
  • The GUI of Jabber Video
  • Modelling softwares
  • What is digital fabrication
  • What are the homework (this website).
    Software I used:
  • Jabber Video (Video-Conferencing)
  • Polycom RealPresence (Video-Conferencing)
  • Notepad++ (HTML programming)
  • Mercurial (Version Contol)
  • TightVNC (Remote Desktop)
  • WordPress (Blogging)
  • TextWrengler (HTML editing for Mac)
  • Google Web Designer (HTML WYSIWYG Editor for ads)
    Introduction to HTML (in 1 minute!)
  • HTML = Hyper Text Markup Language
  • HTML is a programming language for creating web-pages
  • HTML is built with tags. Each tag starts with < and ends with >. There are start tags (<>) and end tags (</>).
  • For starting HTML document, type in your favourite text-editor (recommended: Notepad++ for windows, TextWrengler for Mac and GEdit for Linux):
    • Some popular HTML tags:
    • <p> - paragraph tag, for writing text in paragraphs
    • <title> - title tag for the webpage
    • <ul> - tag for starting (end ending) a l ist
    • <li> - listed item tag
    • <h1> - <h6> - header tag, h1 is the biggest and h5 is the smallest
    • <image src="example.png"> - image tag for adding an image for your website (obviusly, change the example.png into your image file name)
    • <a href="http://www.google.com"> - link tag for linking text with a hyperlink/ a file (obviusly, change the http://www.google.com into your desired domian or filename)
    • <font color="FFF123"> - font tag for changing the font, the color and the size of a selected word (obviusly, change the FFF123 into any hex-formatted color. you can use ColorPicker for picking your desired color in hex-format)

      Homework: this website.
      How I made the site:
    1. I downloaded the site template from htmltemplates.net
    2. I downloaded the program "Notepad++"
    3. I changed the code:
    4. I took the photos and uploaded them to the website
    5. I took the screenshots and uploaded them to the website
    6. I uploaded the site into the servers with those mercurial commands:
    7. hg pull
      (if updated some times hg update needed)
      hg add
      hg status
      hg commit -m "jonathano"
      hg push
    8. My site is up and running now!
