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11. mechanical design, machine design (Indonesia group)

This is group assignment page of Output Devices (Indonesia Student) :

Group assignment:

  • Mechanical Design

    • design a machine that includes mechanism+actuation+automation+application
    • build the mechanical parts and operate it manually
    • document the group project and your individual contribution
  • Mechine Design

    • actuate and automate your machine
    • document the group project and your individual contribution

Automatic Filling Beverages

In this week’s assignment we will create Automatic Filling Beverages.

This machine functions to mix several drinks (traditional drinks) automatically based on the desired type of drink.

The machine consists of a machine body made using MDF board, at the top there is a place to put a bottle of beverage sources, in the middle there is a table where a glass can be placed that can be shifted with an automatic drink bottle opening mechanism and a controller on the front for orders for taking the type of drink along with sensors. required.

The work on this machine will be divided into three manufacturing activities including:

  • Main body design and production, construction, assembly (Setyawan Wibowo)
  • Design and production of bottle opening mechanism, embedded programming and algorithm for machine running (Muhammad Prasetya Kurniawan)
  • Design and production of electronic systems and sensors(Jans Hendry)

Progress : Some of the progress we have made on this design engine can be seen in the following video:

We still on progress and working to complete the system soon.....

Finally the Automatic Filling Beverages machine is finished

here’s the video :

From the whole system that was designed at the beginning, there were slight changes in the design, especially in the mechanism for draining liquid from the bottle. In this machine we use a solenoid which is used as an opening and closing valve.


After all components are finished (body, linear moving system, electronic equipments, solenoid system), a checking process is carried out for each existing system.

Controller and Display

Selenoid valve system

then finalized by making the overall embeded programming for the designed system.

The system designed for each button is:

  • Bottles filled with drinks that have been determined:

    • bottle 1: syrup
    • bottle 2: Tea
    • bottle 3: Ginger
    • bottle 4: Coffee
  • How the machine works by pressing one of the buttons, then the glass will shift to the filling according to the selected place.

  • In this configuration each button to select:

    • button 1: syrup drink
    • button 2: Mixed ginger tea
    • button 3: Coffee Ginger mix
    • button 4: Ginger
  • Testing algorithm 1: when button 1 is pressed, the stepper motor will rotate and shift the table to a position under the filling bottle 1. After the table is in position, wait for 1 second, the solenoid bottle opens to drain the liquid into the glass for 3 seconds, the solenoid closes, wait 1 second and the stepper motor rotates back to shift the table back to its initial position. After the table reaches the initial position there is a buzzer indicator that indicates the drink is ready.

  • Similarly for mixed drink algorithms (eg button 2: ginger tea mix), After button 2 is pressed, the motor moves the table to the position of bottle 2, the solenoid opens and the glass is filled by bottle 2 for 1.5 seconds, the solenoid is closed, the motor moves the table to the bottle position 3, the solenoid 3 activates and opens the liquid for 1.5 seconds, the motor moves the table to the starting position, and the mixed drink is ready. Every sequence change there is a 1 second pause to ensure the previous process has been completed perfectly.

Second cycle: There are still some things that need to be improved for this machine in the second cycle, such as:

  • fix water leaks in bottles
  • coated MDF wood with a waterproof coating
  • tidy up the wiring system

Last update: July 4, 2022