It is very important to know how we can protect our projects, some procedures are not expensive, but when it comes to patents, they are usually expensive, especially when you want to protect internationally.
individual assignment
develop a plan for dissemination of your final project prepare drafts of your summary slide (presentation.png, 1920x1080) and video clip (presentation.mp4, 1080p HTML5, < ~minute, < ~10 MB) and put them in your root directory
For several years I have loved the wonderful world of programming (I have only
things that have to do with the development of desktop applications, web and some
devices and databases). It is great to create code and to be able to control almost
anything, for years my dream was to work in a place where things will be
and I
am going to achieve it now that I am part of fablab, I am very excited, because I
able to create interesting things that can solve problems , it is only a matter of
the laboratory and doing practices to perfect those possible errors.
The most important thing I think is that things that already exist can be created at
cost and, above all, that children, youth and adults can be involved so that they
the whole process of making things, increasingly complex, their own.
I have developed some software for example a website for the control of tutorials
Macuspana higher technological institute where I work, currently I am working on the
development of a system for bibliographic processing to modernize the network of
in the State of Tabasco, in February 2020 I began the procedures on the registration
copyright, but I do not know their status because the offices are closed by
excites me, I have carried out these activities because I want to leave a legacy in
and that my children and the people who know me say good things about me.
As we advance in the modules of the fabacademy I am more interested in doing new
starting with my "access lock".
How to protect my project?.
In Mexico, Intellectual Property is divided into: Copyright and Industrial Property (Inventions and registrations). reason why two governmental institutions exist to treat each one separately: The National Institute of Copyright is responsible for:
Protect the Copyright of the following types of works
- Literary.
- Musicals with or without lyrics.
- Dramatic.
- Dance.
- Pictorial or drawing.
- Sculptural and plastic.
- Caricature and comic strip.
- Architectural.
- Cinematographic and Audiovisual.
- Radio and TV ProgramQQas.
- Computer programs.
- Photographic.
- Works of applied art (include graphic or textile design).
- Compilation works.
- Others that by analogy can be included in the branch closest to their nature.
While the IMPI (Mexican Institute of Industrial Property) protects:
- Patent: which is the product or process that proves to be new internationally
- Utility Model, which are those Modifications to existing inventions, tools and machinery to improve their performance
Industrial Designs:
- Industrial Model
- Industrial Drawing
- Brand
- Commercial Notice
- Commercial Name
- Denomination of Origin
The purpose of industrial property protection is to prevent any unauthorized use of said figures; that is why the Institute is governed under 3 characteristics of industrial property rights: Exclusivity, where the owner is the only one authorized to commercially exploit what it has protected; Territoriality, which are the rights granted within the national territory and are independent from those granted in other countries; and Temporality, which is the stipulated time during which the protected can be commercially exploited. The IMPI contributes to the integration of the population's education system, research, business activity and creativity in the value chain, which contributes to society the benefits derived from innovation, good practices, the use of distinctive signs , continuous improvement and inventive activity of the Mexican scientific and industrial community.
Touchless smart lock is the name of my project
In my case the work is supported by the MIT License, which is an Open Source initiative. Anyone who enters my website can use my documentation without restrictions, they can use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and even sell copies of the software. I want to use a Creative Commons license, to know what type of license suits your project, on the site there is a questionnaire that helps you identify it.
I consider using the following license for my project.
This project is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 international license.
Why did I select this?
Because you are free to share it and adapt or transform it, but under the following terms:Attribution
- You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if any changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable way, but not in any way that suggests that the licensor endorses you or your use.Non-commercial
- You may not use the material for commercial purposes.ShareAlike:
If you remix, transform, or build on the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.No additional restrictions
— You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
Before starting the integration of the electronic components to the board, I did tests on a
proto board to verify the operation of the esp32 module (for Wi-Fi communication), RFID
(used to prevent loss of communication, due to lack of Wi-Fi access) , solenoid (open door).
The project includes a battery, to prevent the lock from working in the event of a power
Once the electronic board was finished, the protection was designed and printed, in the same
way a model was designed to protect the electronic components and perform laser cutting, the
idea is to see the best way of protection.
The opening of the door is assured, if the communication with the RFID module fails, there
is an app to open the door.
Future scope.
I believe that with my final project the costs related to access to public places without the use of keys can be lowered, thus avoiding physical contact, especially due to the situation we are currently experiencing derived from the effects of COVID-19, and that in Personally, I consider that it will take a few years before returning to normality, it also lays the foundations for the students of the educational center where I work to be inspired to create innovations, in a general way for the entire society of the country. State of Tabasco, Mexico, because the idea is to spread and teach everything related to digital manufacturing, having a diploma allowed me to learn.One way to spread the knowledge of this project would be to write an article in science and technology popularization magazines, both national and international, as well as participate in congresses organized by educational institutions.