To start off this documentation for the first week, i have to admit that i lost a lot of time reading
random stuff that relates to all that was talked about in Prof. Neil's class.
As a web developer, i'm used to work with a lot of tools and i'm always looking for new ones. I'm also a
big fan of open source and i'm always looking for new projects to contribute to.
Right now i'm just a bit overwhelmed by all the information that i have to process. I'm also a bit
afraid that i will not be able to keep up with the pace of the course.
So my first step was to try to find a suitable project management software. Like i mentioned, i first
tried to find an open source one, but for now, decided to go for a proprietary one.
I'm setting up
Next up was for me to start documenting the Git processes.
I use Git on a daily basis, but i'm not really familiar with the GitLab interface. I use mostly
It's git, so it's not that hard to use.
I run linux on my machines, so I have git alreay installed as well as a terminal, but i want to check if
everything is updated so i will run
git --version
followed by
sudo apt update
in my terminal, to update the packages and make sure everything is up to date.
I will try to follow this tutorial,
but it seems very Mac and Windows centric. Besides, as i mentioned, i already use Git in GitHub so i
will have to make configurations, like adding another user to my local git.
I learned git a long time ago using this tutorial:
Anyway, i will try to follow the tutorial and see how it goes.
First thing first, i will check if have more than one user using git config --list
One should move to the directory it want's to use before hand. I will use the cd
command to
move to the directory that i want to use.
I only have my normal user that it's a global one. I will add a local one just for this course using
git config --local "pedro-candeias"
git config --local ""
git config --list
.cat ~/.ssh/
and go straight to the ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
cat ~/.ssh/
clip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/
git clone
but first i have to create a folder for the repo
and init.git status
but I will just browse the directory, change some
text and commit.git status
(to see what has changed)git pull
(to download the local repository to the last version of the online
repository. This is very useful if several people are working on the same repository).git add .
(to add the changes)git status
(to check that the changes were added)git commit -m 'description of the change'
(to confirm the changes)git push -u origin master
(to make the changes effective and finally update the
repository online)gem install bundler jekyll
and create a new site that will be
in a folder (mine will be "pec" as in PEdro Candeias)jekyll new pec
cd pec
jekyll serve --livereload
bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload
an absolute url.url
to an absolute url as well.For the final project I would like to build a tshirt folding machine.
I would like it to be portable, or at least easily storable.
As a proud owner of about 60 tshirts there is no task more tedious then folding them.
I usually just keep them in a guest bedroom, unfolded on gigantic pile of recently washed and dried
tshirts, something that my wife hates!
What does it do?
It folds t-shirts (and maybe other clothes).
Who's done what beforehand?
There are a couple of videos on YouTube of people building manualy operated ones as well. Did also find
industrial grade machines and even some hobbyist makers plans for machines like this
What will you design?
I will be designing the machine, the software, the electronics and the mechanical parts.
What materials and components are you going to use?
PLA, MDF, controlers, tshirts, PCB, motors, hinges, etc.
Where will they come from?
Some parts will be build, printed and machined, others will be bought, or are already at the Fab
What parts and systems are going to be made?
PCB, mechanical parts, software, etc.
What are the implications?
An automatic clothing folding machine can have several benefits and implications, including:
Here's a simple sketch:
And some fun features that it could have (spiral development) would be:
Not sure if i'm going to keep this section, but i'm going to write down some notes and toughts that i
have during the course.
I'm also going to write down some notes about the tools that i'm using and how i'm using them.
convert week7_christopher_wool.jpg -geometry x600 week7_christopher_wool.jpg
convert week7_christopher_wool.png week7_christopher_wool.jpg
convert week7_christopher_wool.jpg -quality 75 week7_christopher_wool.jpg
ls -lhr
for image in *.png ; do convert "$image" "${image%.*}.jpg" ; done