I use Fusion 360 in Windows. It's actually one of the few reasons why i have Windows in double boot as I usually only use Linux for work and for whatever else in life.
I decided to investigate if it was at all possible to use Fusion in Linux and found that there is a snap install altought in beta.
By the way, I do know about the web version. I just prefer to use the desktop version.
Here is the link for the Snap install: Fusion 360 Snap
So, opened the terminal and typed: sudo snap install --beta fusion360 --devmode
The installation went alright and I took the time to install Blender. I already have Inkscape installed.
So tried to run Fusion in Linux and it took a while to load. I was expecting it to be faster.
I was able to open the file I had been working on in Windows and it was all there but it was sooooo slow i decided to give up
The course is pretty fast paced so it doesn't allow me to fumble around trying to find a solution for something that is not really necessary in this moment
I will try to find a solution for this later.
Remenber me writing that Fusion is just one of the reasons I keep Windows around? The other ones are Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Audition and Premiere
Back in Windows to run Fusion 360.
On the top of my head a couple of things that one should never forget:
That last one is transversal to every pice of software that one uses. I have seen people using inches in Fusion 360 and that is just wrong.
That last one is transversal to every piece of software that one uses. I have seen people using inches in Fusion 360 and that is just wrong for me.
My first step was to measure a tshirt. I remov.ed the background in Photoshop and added the lines in Adobe Illustrator
Then in Adobe Illustrator added the measurements simulating the folding segments.
After the initial setup of Illustrator, I started by drawing a simple rectangle but things moved fast as I alreay know how to use illustrator
Things moved so fast that in a couple of minutes i had a file ready to send to Lightburn. Lightburn is the software i use for my Laser Cutter
I also did the same design but in Inkscape.
The tool is a lot like Illustrator so the design process is the same.
I used the "create rectangles and squares" tool and well as the "Draw bezier curves and straight lines" tools
One thing that I noticed is that the file size is a lot smaller in Inkscape than in Illustrator as it saves in SVG.
Back in Windows to run Fusion 360.
So, I started modeling in Fusion 360. I started by creating a new project and like I wrote before, the first step is to save
After that, we see if our measurements are fine
Almost everyone has a different way of working in Fusion 360, so there are some other configurations that one can look into:
Fusion 360 comes with Tutorials and they are very good
Now we are first going to create a sketch, turn it into a component, add a repeating pattern and then clone it because we have two parts that are equal.
I'm going to sketch, extrude, constrain, offset and in the end a simple animation.
I'm also going to model a parametric, print-in-place, hinge.
My instructors warned me about torque and the weight of the boards, so I decided that by removing material the boards will be lighter.
Fusion has a cool tool for this as one can control the number of repetitions
And now...the Extrusion!
Time to duplicate!
In Fusion there are a couple of ways to duplicate and one must be carefull cause some of this ways link components.
I usually just to "paste to new"
Now I just had to repeat the process for the middle boards
So this part is going to be used in the final project. Well, probably not this one but this principle.
In fusion a user can define
Now we can use this parameteres in equations
Another example
One hinge almost complete
Fusion has a animation interface integrated.
It is very simple to use and it is very intuitive but it does lack some features that I would like to see in the future.
One of those features is the export of mp4.
But it was usefull to test my ffmpeg skills.
I tried printing the hinge.
It printed ok but still needs work.
I'm trying out Blender to compare it do Fusion 360. I have used Blender a long time ago so I did a Tutorial do refresh (actually learn everything
Blender is a very powerful tool and it is free. It is also very complex and it has a steep learning curve.
I'm going to try to use it to make something simple.
So I didn't finish the project but i did get the hang of it. Currently i do prefer Fusion 360 more, as I just know how to use it more.
I will certanly use Blender in the future.
Ffmpeg -i input_video -vcodec libx264 -crf 25 -preset medium -vf scale=-2:1080 -acodec libmp3lame -q:a 4 -ar 48000 -ac 2 output_video.mp4
ffmpeg -i input_video -vcodec libx264 -b:v 1000k -vf scale=-2:1080 -acodec mp2 -b:a 256k -ar 48000 -ac 2 output_video.mp4
ffmpeg -i input_video -vcodec libx264 -b:v 1000k -vf scale=-2:1080 -an output_video.mp4
ffmpeg -i input_video -vf crop=1500:800:200:100 -vcodec libx264 -b:v 1000k -an output_video.mp4
ffmpeg -i input_video -vcodec libx264 -b:v 1000k -an -ss 00:00:10 -t 00:00:10 output_video.mp4
ffmpeg -i input_video -vcodec libx264 -b:v 1000k -vf crop=1120:876:0:100 -i input_audio -acodec mp2 -b:a 256k -ar 48000 -ac 2 -ss 00:00:20 -t 00:00:20 output_video.mp4
ffmpeg -i input_video_1 -i input_video_2 -filter_complex '[1:v]crop=175:95:930:860[cropout];[cropout]scale=350:190[scaleout];[0:v][scaleout]overlay=10:10[outv]' -map '[outv]' -vcodec libx264 -b:v 1000k -map 0:a -acodec mp2 -b:a 256k -ac 2 -t 00:00:05 output_video.mp4
ffmpeg -r 30 -i %04d.jpg -vcodec libx264 -b:v 1000k -vf scale=-2:1080 -an output_video.mp4