5 - 3D Scanning and Printing

This week we add to 3d design with manufacturing with 3D printing and scanning.

4 - Electronics production

This week we start working with electronics. We learn to manufacture our PCBs and solder with SMD components.

3 - Computer-controlled cutting

This week I have visited the Fab Lab León for the first time, and I have worked with cutting machines; laser cutters and vinyl cutters, and I’ve learned how to...

2 - Computer-Aided Design

Design is the basis for digital fabrication. This week we discover the main 2D and 3D design tools.

1B - Principles and Practices

This week we have defined our final project. Telemetry of lake conditions.

1A - Project Management

Project management with git is powerful for documenting progress during Fab Academy. For this we will make a web page, which we will update with our progress.