Once I downloaded Git, I get a black screen called "Terminal" where I typed the following commands:
1.- IDENTIFICATION: I wrote the following command for the terminal to confirm my user git config –-global user.name “your_username”, then I put my email with the following command git config -–global user.email “your_email”.
2.- CREATING SSH KEY: Now checking if I have an SSH KEY with cat ~ / .ssh / id_rsa.pub and after checking that I do not have that key because I am going to create it with the command ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "Your_email".
This is where I found myself in trouble because I did not get the password despite being a command used by several people and it is the one found in the tutorial, I tried with this command ssh-keygen -o -t rsa -b 4096 -C "your_imail" and I finally made it!
Now I will clone my repository from the cloud to Local, creating in my files a folder called "Fab Academy 2022"
After right-clicking I selected the option, I opened a terminal in GitBash and copied the link that appears in GitLab git@gitlab.fabcloud.org: academany / Fab Academy / 2021 / labs / lima / students / grace-schwan.git
Here the image of the cloning of the GitLab files in the GitBash terminal, pressing enter after placing the command correctly and the repository will be downloaded to our computer, it was interesting to carry out this process since I had never done it before and it was very exciting, challenging and above all that I did it by myself, of course I had the guidance of my dear Lenigan, a great teammate from Honduras, the great Walter Lenigan! and the support of super Hayashi, a master in everything he does!
Drag and drop
In this procedure I first downloaded the Visual Studio Code program, which is a text editor that I will use to place all the information on my web page with which I will become familiar, these days there have been new things for me.