Embedded Programming

I had quite a bit of difficulty completing this weeks assignment, starting with accidentally removing my gui in ubuntu, having to recover all of my files/reinstall my os, breaking my 'hello echo' board, missing components, and trouble with the milling machine. 

Excuses aside after frying my hello echo board I milled out another one only to find we were out of attinny44's.  While it was working I was able to flash an LED blink example code to it once before it died, unfortunately I took no pictures.  I decided to make Anna's arduino (with all of the pins pulled out, in case we needed more than what was on Neil's).  However the milling machine couldn't quite successfully mill a few areas.  After looking at Anna's board layout I found that in a few areas where she pulled out the pins that weren't quite aligned correctly. 

You can see that the white line juts to the right a little bit, I guess this closed the gap between these two pins on the microcontroller enough for the Milling machine to be unable to pass.  I used an exacto blade to clear this section out but my hand slipped and I ended up cutting quite a few traces. 

Its hard to see from this picture but I tried to repair the broken joints with some solder but I again broke the trace completely off of the bottom left pin of the microcontroller so I decided to start over.

This time I used Neil's arduino trace/interior files to avoid trouble with the milling machine.  Of course the bit was dull and ripped up the traces on the first two boards I tried until I got a successful mill and began soldering.




Published on   March 19th, 2013