3D Scanning/Printing

This week we focused on 3D printing.  We started out by printing a few samples provided by Anna off of thingiverse.com.  One contained an openSCAD file of a ring.  We simply had to change the size of the ring to fit our own finger.  Another was a bracelet.  I chose the "twistlet" found here: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:40149

Because this design was a solid, special settings had to be used in order for the machine to only print the perimeter of the design.


In "ReplicatorG" settings I had to set it to print the "perimeter" with "0 infill" and "0 shells".  This way it printed the outside of the shape but did not fill it in or make any extra shells, allowing it to stretch and act as a bracelet. 

After working a bit with the 3D printer I learned the virtues of patience.  Even such simple prints as a bracelet can take around 20 minutes, nevermind the time it takes to heat up the makerbot's platform and extruder.


Some pictures of the bracelet in progress then complete.



With the help of Mathew and his Xbox Kinect I had a 3D scan of myself to clean up a bit and print!  Using Netfabb I cut most of the scan off leaving just a bust of myself and tried to use the part repair tool to clean up some of the nonsense around my head.  (I had sunglasses in my hair while i was scanned and It didn't like that too much). 

After doing as much cleanup as I could manually in Netfabb I used Meshlab's poisson surface reconstruction tool to fill in those pesky holes where my head should be.

Still looks a little funky but this was good enough for me.  Printing time!

Took about 43 minutes to print.

Published on   February 26th, 2013