Week 8

Home About Me Final Project

Week 1 - Project mangement
Week 1.5 - Principles and Practices
Week 2 - Computer-Aided Design
Week 3 - Computer-Controled Cutting
Week 4 - Electronics Production
Week 5 - 3D Scanning and Printing
Week 6 - Elecronics Design
Week 7 - Computer-Controled Machining
Week 8 - Embedded Programming
Week 9 - Mechanical Design, Machine Design
Week 10 - Input Devices
Week 11 - Modlung and Casting
Week 12 - Output Devices
Week 13 - Networking and Communications
Week 14 - Interface and Application Programming
Week 15 - wildcard Week
Week 16 - Applications and Implications
Week 17 - Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20

Embeded Programming

the solo asinment for this week was to program my board with as menny programing langueges and interfaces as possible. the group asinment was to as a group program as menny boards as possible.

Group Work

my job was to get a arduino uno to run to do that I used the arduino soft ware and used the blink code that you can find online rilly easly. here is an image of that code

the list of the boards that my group was able to program is in the image below.

Solo Work

I used the board I made from week 6 as my custom board. I programed my board using the arduino IDE and visual studios with the platformio extention. even if the board is programed in visual studios I used the seral moniter from arduino IDE. there is a video of my board after programing in the week 8 folder.here is the link

the code

to make sure that I undersude the IDEs I first dowlaoded the code below on my board from the IDE before downloading my more advance code.

after that I made the code below and dowloaded it onto my board using the arduino IDE.

I then use visual studios to donload the same code on to the same board here is an image of the sucesful load mesage

here is a link to my work its in the week 8 folder.here is the link