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Embeded Programmingthe solo asinment for this week was to program my board with as menny programing langueges and interfaces as possible. the group asinment was to as a group program as menny boards as possible. Group Workmy job was to get a arduino uno to run to do that I used the arduino soft ware and used the blink code that you can find online rilly easly. here is an image of that code ![]() the list of the boards that my group was able to program is in the image below. ![]() Solo WorkI used the board I made from week 6 as my custom board. I programed my board using the arduino IDE and visual studios with the platformio extention. even if the board is programed in visual studios I used the seral moniter from arduino IDE. there is a video of my board after programing in the week 8 folder.here is the link the codeto make sure that I undersude the IDEs I first dowlaoded the code below on my board from the IDE before downloading my more advance code. ![]() after that I made the code below and dowloaded it onto my board using the arduino IDE. ![]() I then use visual studios to donload the same code on to the same board here is an image of the sucesful load mesage ![]() here is a link to my work its in the week 8 folder.here is the link |