Week 12

Home About Me Final Project

Week 1 - Project mangement
Week 1.5 - Principles and Practices
Week 2 - Computer-Aided Design
Week 3 - Computer-Controled Cutting
Week 4 - Electronics Production
Week 5 - 3D Scanning and Printing
Week 6 - Elecronics Design
Week 7 - Computer-Controled Machining
Week 8 - Embedded Programming
Week 9 - Mechanical Design, Machine Design
Week 10 - Input Devices
Week 11 - Modlung and Casting
Week 12 - Output Devices
Week 13 - Networking and Communications
Week 14 - Interface and Application Programming
Week 15 - wildcard Week
Week 16 - Applications and Implications
Week 17 - Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20

Output Devices

The group asinment is to mesure the consumption of an output devixe and then document your work. the individual assignment is to add an output device to a microcontroller board that you have designed and then program it to do it.

Group Asinement

we used a motor to see how the amps change when a motor is put under load. here is a photo from a video that was taken at that time.

Solo Asinement

for the solo asinements I decided use a servo motor the restion that I wanted to use a servo is becuse I plan to use servos in my fainal project. this design has more devices then just the servo tthe restion is that I strugled to get my input device board working so I decided to combine the two boards. here is what it looked like in KiCad and the settings used in flatcam to mill the baord. with the flatcam settings i still had to do mutiple runs lowering the z height each time.

the code that I made was just moving the servo to diferent places here is a pic of that.

after milling the board I sotered on all the components. here it is after all the sotter I got an error I then cheked to see if there was a short witch there was after fixing it that there still were errors so I looked at the code to see if there were erors in the servo libray becuse the error codes mentioned the servo library. I then check to see if the code would work on a difernt board with a diferent attiny it did works so I then replaced the attiny and it then started working.

here is the working board.

here is a link to my work its in the week 12 folder.here is the link