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17. Wildcard week


Design and produce something with a digital fabrication process (incorporating computer-aided design and manufacturing) not covered in another assignment, documenting the requirements that your assignment meets, and including everything necessary to reproduce it. Possibilities include (but are not limited to):


I got into familiarize Waterjet cutting process. In the University of Oulu in the Machineshop there is Aliko waterjet cutter. The first I made work plan

Work plan

1 - Object desing 2 - Tool path file 3 - Waterjet cutting

1 - Object desing

I designed the object with Autodesk AutoCAD design program. I have documented CAD desingn prosess on Computer Aidid Desing week

2 - Tool path file

The next I made tool path file to waterjet cutter. I used IGEMS-program. In the Machineshop they use Finish version of that program.

Step 1. I Open IGEM-program. The first I clicked IGEMS on the left. IGEMS-01.jpg

Step 2. I clicked Avaa (“Open”) and then Tuo (“Bring”). IGEMS-02.jpg

Step 3. Then popped up Open window. I chose Circle-01.dxf file and picked Open button. IGEMS-03.jpg

Step 4. Then popped up Tuo (“Bring”) window. I picked Yes button and located picture of object onto sheet. IGEMS-04.jpg

Step 5. I cliced Luo (“Create”) button IGEMS-05.jpg

Step 6. Then popped up Valitse (“Choose”) button. I chose right values such as material: Stainless Steel and thickness: 8.00 mm. I clicked OK button. IGEMS-06.jpg

Step 7. I chose the object and clicked Enter key. IGEMS-07.jpg

Step 8. I clicked Luo (“Create”). IGEMS-08.jpg

Step 9. Then Luo arkki (“Create sheet”) popped up. I clicked Ok button. IGEMS-20.jpg

Step 10. Then I clicked Luo osa (“Create part”) IGEMS-21.jpg

Step 11. I clicked Muotoviiva (“Shape line”) and popped up Muotoviiva windows IGEMS-11.jpg

Step 12. Then popped up Muotoviiva windows. IGEMS-22.jpg

Step 13. I checked start/end poins on outside and inside. IGEMS-13.jpg

Step 14. Then program create start/end poins onto outside and inside IGEMS-14.jpg IGEMS-15.jpg

Step 15. I chose Järjestys (“Cutting order”) IGEMS-16.jpg

Step 16. Then popped up Järjestys window. I clicked Sulje (“Close”) button IGEMS-17.jpg

Step 17. Then popped up Leikkuu rata (“Cutting path”). I clicked Save cutting file IGEMS-18.jpg

Step 18. And finally I named and saved cutting file. IGEMS-19.jpg

I moved file to my memory stick.

3 - Waterjet cutting

Aliko watercuter consist of Controll panel and Waterjet cutter. WaterJetCutter-01.jpg WaterJetCutter-02.jpg

Step 1. I checked that Water pressure is 3800 bar and Sand speed: 280g /min. WaterJetCutter-05.jpg

Step 2. I loaded cutting file. WaterJetCutter-03.jpg


Step 3. I set start point. I moved cutting nose with arrows buttons. WaterJetCutter-06.jpg

Step 4. I started cutting by clicking Play button WaterJetCutter-06.jpg

Step 5. At finally I got final cutted object. WaterJetCutter-07.jpg

Hero Video

Problem and problem-solving

I had some problems in use WaterCutter. It was not easy to use first time, but staff in the Machineshop helped me very well.