13. Applications and implications

Due date 2024/05/21

Learning Objectives

  1. Individual assignment
    1. Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered.
    2. Your project should incorporate:
      1. 2D and 3D design
      2. Additive and subtractive fabrication processes
      3. Electronics design and production
      4. Microcontroller interfacing and programming
      5. System integration and packaging.
      6. Where possible, you should make rather than buy the parts of your project.
      7. Projects can be separate or joint, but need to show individual mastery of the skills, and be independently operable.

See Final Project Requirements for a complete list of requirements you must fulfil.

The answers to the questions on the checklist here under “Applications and implications,” will allow you to create your BOM (Bill Of Materials).

  1. Context

    1. Syllabus FAW13
    2. Assessment FAW13
    3. Tutorial FAW13
    4. Video FAW13
    5. Review FAW13
  2. Concept

    1. This week we develop a plan to create a masterpiece project using Fab-Academy skills.
    2. In this context, a masterpiece is like jazz improvisation. One tells a melodic story with notes from the chord progression of a song.
  3. Comprehend

    1. One can demonstrate mastery of a subject when he applies the concepts taught to him in a course of study to create something new.
    2. Masterpiece
  4. Take caution

    1. Human
    2. Machine
    3. Environment
  5. Calibrate

  6. Control

    1. Material-machine interface
      1. Materials
      2. Fixtures
      3. Tools
    2. Machine-controller interface
    3. Controller-CAM interface
    4. CAM-design interface
    5. Design-human interface
    6. Group assignment
  7. Create

    1. Human-science interface
    2. Human-industry interface
    3. Human-art interface
    4. What assumptions can we break?
    5. Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered. Your project should incorporate:
      1. 2D and 3D design
      2. additive and subtractive fabrication processes
      3. electronics design and production
      4. microcontroller interfacing and programming
      5. system integration and packaging make, rather than buy parts

Assignment tasks

Step 001

Learning outcomes

  1. Define the scope of a project
  2. Develop a project plan