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1. First Sketches

This week’s assignment is about taking stock and setting goals.


This is my second go at the FabAcademy. I started last year and got about half way through the lectures when my own lecturing commitments got in the way and I had to leave. I’m determined however to actually complete the course this year!

Follow this link to my About page.

Final Project

Last year, I had visions of building a complete biomimetic robotic submarine as my final project. Called “Trichitalchen”, it was going to be propelled by three ribbon fins. I’ve ported the project description page to this year’s format here.

This year, I’ve done a reevaluation of the time I’m going to have to dedicate to the FabAcademy, so I’ve redirected my project activity a bit. Instead of focussing on a single complete robot, I’m going to rehabilitate the stack of robots my students and I have designed and built over the years. The RobotSOS project is described here. It will be part of the Submarine Museum we’re building in the lab.