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Forrest O. Fab Academy

Tactile Labyrinth (WIP)


One definition of labyrinth is a winding path with no branches, so if you keep walking in one direction, you cover the whole path and end up back where you started.

I like this aesthetic, and think it would be nice as an object designed for touching.

Previous work


"Wave Form Collapse" seeded random labyrinth, 2018.

"Folding powers of 2" labyrinth, pen plotting, 2021.

Snow Sierpiński curve labyrinth walking, 2022.

Rainbow Sierpiński curve stickers.

More Sierpiński curve projects: wall lamp, web animation, 3D print.

2D wooden labyrinth

2D wooden labyrinth, 2018.

3D wooden labyrinth around dodecahedron, composite photo sketch.

Sketch for a 3D wooden labyrinth.


Ropes simulated in Blender. I have a Blender journal that documents that simulation.

With this simulation, I can grow irregular paths around any shape, with various paramters like center of gravity.

3D embed, union of simulated ropes and base icosahedron.

Ropes only, and union of ropes and base polyhedron.

I've printed 3 versions of the same simulation result: ropes only, union with icosahedron, and difference (carving into the polyhedron). There is a pleasing contrast between the regular polyhedron and organic ropes.

Future iterations ꩜

Mirror image prints, to trace with fingers in each hand.

3D modeling: learn how to split shape to be printed as triangles flat on the bed.

CNC carving: translate that design to be carvable.

Electronics: make it possible to insert LED rope, design animations that fit the form.

Open questions

  • What is the interaction?
  • If I end up with an unconventional display, what will it show?
  • Could it be the base of the "calm timer" idea?
  • Can I keep the tactile inspiration while adding electronic interactivity, or are those exclusive?