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Forrest O. Fab Academy

Week 01. Potential Final Project

I've been floating the idea for friends and family to imagine the project that I'm going to be making this year, and tell me their thoughts on it. It's a half joke, but wouldn't it be neat if you could do that? I imagine people with a big audience can do that, but there's a fine line between having no replies and having too many.

In the real world, I have to share some sketches, and get more specific when asking for feedback.

I have three concepts now.

Calm Timer

Plays a nice-sounding chime on the hour, or set intervals with a small screen.

Concept sketch of a curved wooden stand with a metal chime suspended within it.

Tangible Media Player

A collection of wood tokens start a playlist when set on the player. The tokens bring back some tangibility to the act of choosing and playing music. They can also load internet radio stations.

I remember finding a "record player" made in preschool with paper plate, pipe cleaner, buttons. If I choose this project I'll be honoring my small self that really wanted a cool little tangible music player.

Concept sketch of a hexagonal media player with hexagonal media tokens.

Prior art

Closed-Eye VR

Closed-eye solar-powered VR visor. With eyes closed, chill in the sun light or with a bright lamp. An array of liquid crystal (LC) cells are activated at different intervals, giving the illusion of motion.

I like how this concept would need a tiny fraction of the energy needed for high-end virtual reality systems. The challenge of programming small low-energy microcontrollers is interesting.

Concept sketch of a visor for closed-eye visions.

Prior art