
WEEK GROUP Individual assignment Group assignment Documentation tips


Our tasks for this week are:

    Individual assignment:
  • write a program for a microcontroller development board that you made, to interact (with local input &/or output devices) and communicate (with remote wired or wireless devices)
  • Extra credit: use different languages &/or development environments
  • Extra credit: connect external components to the board
Group assignment:
  • Browse through the data sheet for your microcontroller compare the performance and development workflows for other architectures
  • Let's start

    Seeed Studio XIAO Series are diminutive development boards, sharing a similar hardware structure, where the size is literally thumb-sized. The code name "XIAO" here represents its half feature "Tiny", and the other half will be "Puissant".


    • Seed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 has equipped a highly-integrated ESP32-C3 chip, built around a 32-bit RISC-V chip processor with a four-stage pipeline that operates at up to 160 MHz.
    • The board equips highly-integrated ESP32-C3 SoC. The chip has been installed with a complete 2.4GHz Wi-Fi subsystem which means it supports Station mode, SoftAP mode, SoftAP & Station mode, and promiscuous mode for multiple Wi-Fi applications. It works under an ultra-low power state, also supporting features of Bluetooth 5 and Bluetooth mesh. There are 400 KB SRAM & 4 MB Flash on the chip, allowing for more programming space, and bringing more possibilities to the IoT control scenarios.
    • Equipped with a cooling system, which will keep the water circulating through the laser tube at a stable temperature.
    • Being a number to the Seeed Studio XIAO family, the board deservedly maintains the classic thumb-sized form-factor design and elegant productization of single-sided components mounting. Meanwhile, it has equipped with a battery charge chip and integrated circuit for enhancing its ability to carry. This board comes included with an external antenna to increase the signal strength for wireless applications. There are 11 digital I/O that can be used as PWM pins and 4 analog i/o that can be used as ADC pins. It supports UART, IIC, and SPI serial communication ports. Utilizing its small and exquisite hardware design and the powerful onboard chip, programming by Arduino, it will offer more ability to wearable and portable devices or other applications.


    • Internet of Things
    • Wearable devices
    • Health monitoring
    • Education
    • Rapid prototyping


    Parameter Description
    Processor ESP32-C3 SoC RISC-V single-core 32-bit chip processor with a four-stage pipeline that operates at up to 160 MHz
    Wireless Complete 2.4GHz Wi-Fi subsystem Bluetooth 5.0/ Bluetooth mesh
    On-chip Memory/td> 400KB SRAM & 4MB Flash
    Interface 1x UART, 1x IIC, 1x SPI,11x GPIO(PWM), 4x ADC
    Power Circuit operating voltage: 3.3V@200mA Charging current: 50mA/100mA
    Working Temperature -40°C ~ 85°C

    Individual assignment

    let's start investigating

    3 march

    Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 is an IoT mini development board based on the Espressif ESP32-C3 WiFi/Bluetooth dual-mode chip. ESP32-C3 is a 32-bit RISC-V CPU, which includes an FPU (Floating Point Unit) for 32-bit single-precision arithmetic with powerful computing power. It has excellent radio frequency performance, supporting IEEE 802.11 b/g/n WiFi, and Bluetooth 5 (LE) protocols. This board comes included with an external antenna to increase the signal strength for your wireless applications. It also has a small and exquisite form-factor combined with a single-sided surface-mountable design. It is equipped with rich interfaces and has 11 digital I/O that can be used as PWM pins and 4 analog I/O that can be used as ADC pins. It supports four serial interfaces such as UART, I2C and SPI. There is also a small reset button and a bootloader mode button on the board. XIAO ESP32C3 is fully compatible with the Grove Shield for Seeeduino XIAO and Seeeduino XIAO Expansion board except for the Seeeduino XIAO Expansion board, the SWD spring contacts on the board will not be compatible.

    • 5V - This is 5v out from the USB port. You can also use this as a voltage input but you must have some sort of diode (schottky, signal, power) between your external power source and this pin with anode to battery, cathode to 5V pin.
    • 3V3 - This is the regulated output from the onboard regulator. You can draw 700mA
    • GND - Power/data/signal ground

    Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32-C3 with Arduino

    1. First download Arduino program
    2. In the arduino menu bar the FILE/ Preferences path, we will add the URL of the additional boards that you can find here. We need the xiaoESP32c2.
    3. Descripción de la imagen 1

      File/ on the images

      Descripción de la imagen 2

      Tools/Board/Boards on the images

      Descripción de la imagen 3

      Library/Esp32 -> install .Click on the images

    4. Now after placing the board that we are going to use, in my case the xiaoesp32c3, we are going to look for our board on board
    5. Descripción de la imagen 1

      File/preferences. Click on the images

      Descripción de la imagen 2

      Tools/Board/Boards Manager. Click on the images

      Descripción de la imagen 3

      Place the COM port in my case it is COM3. Click on the images

    6. Now load the Blink program so that the LED on pin D0 (GPIO 2) blinks.


    							// Define the pins to which the lights are connected
    							const int pinLed1 = 2;  // D2
    							const int pinLed2 = 5;  // D5
    							const int pinLed3 = 6;  // D6
    							void setup() {
    							// Configure the pins as outputs
    							pinMode(pinLed1, OUTPUT);
    							pinMode(pinLed2, OUTPUT);
    							pinMode(pinLed3, OUTPUT);
    							void loop() {
    							// Turn on the first light (pinLed1)
    							digitalWrite(pinLed1, HIGH);
    							delay(1000);  // Wait for 1 second
    							// Turn off the first light
    							digitalWrite(pinLed1, LOW);
    							// Turn on the second light (pinLed2)
    							digitalWrite(pinLed2, HIGH);
    							delay(1000);  // Wait for 1 second
    							// Turn off the second light
    							digitalWrite(pinLed2, LOW);
    							// Turn on the third light (pinLed3)
    							digitalWrite(pinLed3, HIGH);
    							delay(1000);  // Wait for 1 second
    							// Turn off the third light
    							digitalWrite(pinLed3, LOW);
    							// Repeat the cycle


    The push button is the easiest and simplest element of the inputs. It is an open or closed contact that changes its state to closed or open when pressed.

    Connection and schematic In this case for the XIAO ESP32C3, use la placa de quentorres the button is integrated , on the GPIO 4 pin (Arduino pin 2).

    Button leds

    				// Code by Silvana Espinoza, Fab Academy 2024
    				const int LedPin = D0;      // Assigns the LED pin number 0 to the variable LedPin
    				const int LedPin2 = D6;     // Assigns the LED pin number 6 to the variable LedPin2
    				const int LedPin3 = D7;     // Assigns the LED pin number 7 to the variable LedPin3
    				const int button = D1;      // Assigns the pushbutton pin number 1 to the variable button
    				int buttonState = 0;        // Initializes a variable for reading the pushbutton status
    				void setup()
    				  Serial.begin(9600);        // Initializes serial communication with a baud rate of 9600
    				  pinMode(button, INPUT);     // Configures the pushbutton pin as INPUT
    				  pinMode(LedPin, OUTPUT);    // Configures LedPin as OUTPUT
    				  pinMode(LedPin2, OUTPUT);   // Configures LedPin2 as OUTPUT
    				  pinMode(LedPin3, OUTPUT);   // Configures LedPin3 as OUTPUT
    				void loop()
    				  buttonState = digitalRead(button);  // Reads the current state of the pushbutton and stores it in buttonState
    				  if (buttonState == HIGH) {
    					for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++)       // Executes the following code block 6 times
    					  digitalWrite(LedPin, HIGH);    // Turns on LedPin
    					  digitalWrite(LedPin, LOW);     // Turns off LedPin
    					  digitalWrite(LedPin2, HIGH);   // Turns on LedPin2
    					  digitalWrite(LedPin2, LOW);    // Turns off LedPin2
    					  digitalWrite(LedPin3, HIGH);   // Turns on LedPin3
    					  digitalWrite(LedPin3, LOW);    // Turns off LedPin3
    				  } else {
    					digitalWrite(LedPin, LOW);       // Turns off LedPin
    					digitalWrite(LedPin2, LOW);      // Turns off LedPin2
    					digitalWrite(LedPin3, HIGH);     // Turns on LedPin3

    Temperature and humidity sensor

    The program we are going to implement is the reading DHT11 Humidity & Temperature sensor data. Here is the connection diagram for this project.

    1. Connect the DHT11 VCC
    2. Connect the DHT11 GND
    3. Connect the DHT11 pin to 3.3V

    Source Code/Program

    The code requires DHT11 Sensor Library for compilation (here I was delayed because I couldn't find the right one). So, first download and install the library using the library manager. Then copy the following code and upload it to the ESP32-C3 board.
    Laser Focus Adjustment:

    • Make sure the work table is level. Adjust the height of the table or laser to achieve optimum focus on the work material. Checking and Adjusting Mirrors
    • Verify that the mirrors are clean and properly aligned. Use a laser marker or laser pointer to ensure that the beam is properly reflected from each mirror to the cutting head. Cutting Head Alignment
    • Align the cutting head so that it is perpendicular to the work surface. Adjust any misalignment to ensure accurate cuts. Power and Speed Calibration
    • Perform cutting tests on reference materials to adjust power and speed according to your needs and material type.

    Descripción de la imagen 1

    7mm gauge to use as a reference for laser cutting machine.

    Descripción de la imagen 2

    After uploading the code, open the Serial Monitor. The Serial Monitor will display the Humidity & Temperature Data.

    Descripción de la imagen 3

    Correctly arranging the MDF cutting material so that all sides

    Button leds

    					#include "DHT.h"
    					#define DHTPIN 10     // Digital pin connected to the DHT sensor
    					#define DHTTYPE DHT11   // DHT 11
    					DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE);
    					void setup()
    						Serial.println(F("DHTxx test!"));
    					void loop()
    						float h = dht.readHumidity();
    						float t = dht.readTemperature();
    						 // Check if any reads failed and exit early (to try again).
    						 if (isnan(h) || isnan(t))
    						Serial.println(F("Failed to read from DHT sensor!"));
    						Serial.print(F("Humidity: "));
    						Serial.print(F("Temperature: "));
    						Serial.println(F("°C "));

    Group assignment

    This week we were very united to do our homework for the week, I love my team.

    Imagen Semana 1

    Feb. 29
    For this week we met with our evaluators and advisors who recommended the study of several microcontrollers, they told us what we could investigate and with our classmates we organized ourselves to do the search and the structure of the microcontrollers and to be able to study their architecture and characteristics. We decided that each group could investigate a microcontroller and then be able to present it in a meeting so that everyone could understand all the possible microcontrollers

    Datasheet Comparison for Diverse Architectures

    we decided to work on a collaborative file in which we would compare various microcontrollers and their characteristics.


    ATtiny412 uses an 8-bit processor architecture, which means that it works with 8-bit data and memory addresses at the same time.

    The capacity of the Flash memory in the ATtiny412 is up to 4 kilobytes (KB). This means that it can store up to 4096 bytes of program code.

    "The ATtiny412 is equipped with a variety of integrated peripherals that extend its capabilities and facilitate the implementation of various functions in embedded systems. Some of the integrated peripherals include timer/counters (TC), a PWM capture/comparison module (PWM), analog-to-digital converters (ADC), an event system (Event System), and a clock generator (CLK). The timers/counters are useful for measuring time intervals, the PWM module allows the generation of PWM signals to control motor speed and light intensity, the ADC facilitates the conversion of analog signals to digital for processing, the event system simplifies the interconnection between peripherals, and the clock generator allows adjusting the operating frequency. Pins"


    • Architecture:The SAMD11C uses a 32-bit architecture, allowing it to handle data and execute instructions faster than 8- or 16-bit microcontrollers.
    • Clock frecuency:The SAMD11C has a clock frequency range of up to 48 MHz. This means it can operate at a clock speed of up to 48 million cycles per second.
    • Flash memory:The SAMD11C has flash memory of up to 16 KB. This means it can store up to 16,384 bytes of data or program instructions. Flash memory can be programmed using a microcontroller programmer or via a programming port built into the microcontroller
    • RAM memory:The SAMD11C has a RAM memory of up to 4 KB. This means that it can store up to 4,096 bytes of temporary or variable data while a program is running on the microcontroller.
    • Power consumption: "1.62 V a 3.63 V.
    • Compatibility with boards: SAM D11 Xplained Pro: Evaluation board with integrated peripherals. ATSAMD11-XPRO: Evaluation board with integrated peripherals. ATSAMD11G18A-XPRO: Evaluation board with integrated peripherals. ATSAMD11D14AM-XPRO: Evaluation board with integrated peripherals.

    XIAO RP2040

    The Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040 is as small as the Seeed Studio XIAO SAMD21 but it's more powerful. On one hand, it carries the powerful Dual-core RP2040 processor that can flexible clock running up to 133 MHz which is a low-power microcontrollers. On the Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040 there is also 264KB of SRAM, and 2MB of on-board Flash memory which can provide more program to save and run. On the other hand, this little board has good performance in processing but needs less power.

    There are 14 GPIO PINs on Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040, on which there are 11 digital pins, 4 analog pins, 11 PWM Pins,1 I2C interface, 1 UART interface, 1 SPI interface, 1 SWD Bonding pad interface.


    The ATtiny1624 is a microcontroller featuring the AVR® CPU with hardware multiplier, running at up to 20 MHz and with 16 KB Flash, 2 KB SRAM and 256B EEPROM in 14-pin TSSOP and SOIC packages. The family uses the latest Core Independent Peripherals with low-power features, including Event System, intelligent analog and advanced peripherals.

    • The ATtiny1624 uses the 8-bit AVR architecture, which is known for its efficiency in terms of power consumption and performance in embedded applications.
    • It can operate with a clock frequency of up to 20 MHz, which allows it to perform fast and efficient operations.
    • It has an integrated 16 KB Flash memory for program code storage. This allows for the implementation of medium to small applications on the microcontroller.
    • It has 512 bytes of SRAM memory for volatile data storage and 256 bytes of EEPROM memory for non-volatile data storage.
    • Supports various serial communication protocols, including UART, SPI and I2C, which facilitates communication with other devices and sensors


    • Architecture:The SAMD11C uses a 32-bit architecture, allowing it to handle data and execute instructions faster than 8- or 16-bit microcontrollers.
    • Clock frecuency:The SAMD11C has a clock frequency range of up to 48 MHz. This means it can operate at a clock speed of up to 48 million cycles per second.
    • Flash memory:The SAMD11C has flash memory of up to 16 KB. This means it can store up to 16,384 bytes of data or program instructions. Flash memory can be programmed using a microcontroller programmer or via a programming port built into the microcontroller
    • RAM memory:The SAMD11C has a RAM memory of up to 4 KB. This means that it can store up to 4,096 bytes of temporary or variable data while a program is running on the microcontroller.
    • Power consumption: "1.62 V a 3.63 V.
    • Compatibility with boards: SAM D11 Xplained Pro: Evaluation board with integrated peripherals. ATSAMD11-XPRO: Evaluation board with integrated peripherals. ATSAMD11G18A-XPRO: Evaluation board with integrated peripherals. ATSAMD11D14AM-XPRO: Evaluation board with integrated peripherals.


    Technical Characteristics of the MAX32625PICO Microcontroller:
    • Architecture: ARM Cortex-M4 with floating point unit (FPU)
    • Clock speed: Up to 96 MHz
    • Memory: Flash: 512KB RAM: 160KB
    • Communication interfaces:
    • UART: 3 ports
    • I²C: 3 ports
    • SPI: 3 ports
    • USB: Hi-Speed ​​USB 2.0, compatible with USB OTG
    • GPIO: 36 general purpose input/output pins
    • Peripherals:
    • ADC: 10 12-bit channels
    • DAC: Not available
    • Timers: 6 32-bit timers
    • PWM: 16 PWM channels
    • Operating voltage: 1.7V to 3.6V
    • Low Power Mode: Includes power saving modes
    • Debug: JTAG and SWD (Serial Wire Debug)
    • Crypto: Cryptographic accelerator with support for AES, RSA, ECC, SHA-2
    • RTC: Real time clock with battery backup support
    • Security: Secure Boot, Memory Protection Unit (MPU)

    Comparative Table of Programming Languages: Arduino IDE vs Mbed OS

    Aspect Arduino IDE Mbed OS
    Development Speed Quick for simple prototypes Quick for complex projects with libraries
    Ease of Use Very easy for beginners Easy for intermediate users
    Development Environment Arduino IDE (simplified, many libraries) Mbed Studio, Mbed Online Compiler, Mbed CLI
    Initial Setup Very simple, plug-and-play Requires initial configuration, more steps
    Library Support Extensive community library support Extensive, optimized, and secure library support
    Debugging Basic (serial debugging) Advanced (hardware-level debugging, integrated IDEs)
    Supported Platforms Various boards and microcontrollers Mainly ARM microcontrollers
    Code Uploading Very simple, uploads via USB port May require additional tools, but supports USB, JTAG, SWD
    Community and Support Huge community, lots of support Strong support from ARM and partners, good documentation
    Flexibility and Scalability Suitable for small to medium projects Excellent for projects of any scale
    Memory and Resource Management Manual, often less efficient Automated and efficient
    OTA Updates Limited, requires custom setup Well supported, especially on ARM platforms
    License Free (open-source) Free (open-source), with licensed components
    Tool Ecosystem Limited to Arduino and some external tools Extensive, with integration to ARM and third-party tools
    Additional Details

    Development Speed:

    • Arduino IDE: Ideal for quick projects and simple prototypes. The simplicity of its environment and the wide availability of examples and libraries make initial development very fast.
    • development very fast. Mbed OS: Allows for rapid development but is more suited for complex projects that require precise control and optimization. Initial setup can be slower due to the need to configure the environment.

    Ease of Use:

    • Arduino IDE: Very beginner-friendly, with a smooth learning curve/li>
    • Mbed OS: Requires intermediate knowledge of programming and development environments. The documentation is excellent and detailed, making it easier for more advanced users to learn.

    Development Environment:

    • Arduino IDE: A simplified environment that provides the basic tools needed for programming and code uploading.
    • Mbed OS: Offers multiple development options, such as Mbed Studio (full IDE), Mbed Online Compiler (online compiler), and Mbed CLI (command-line tools).

    Code Uploading:

    • Arduino IDE: Code uploading is straightforward through the USB port, simplifying the programming process.
    • Mbed OS: May require additional tools for code uploading but offers support for multiple programming interfaces, including JTAG and SWD.


    • Arduino IDE: Mainly serial debugging, suitable for basic debugging.
    • Mbed OS: Supports advanced debugging with hardware-level access, allowing for deeper inspection of code and hardware behavior.

    Memory and Resource Management:

    • Arduino IDE: Memory management is manual and can be less efficient, depending on the programmer's skills.
    • Mbed OS: Offers automated and efficient resource management, optimized for low-power and high-performance applications.


    The choice between Arduino IDE and Mbed OS for programming the MAX32625PICO depends on the user's experience level and the project's complexity: Arduino IDE is ideal for beginners and quick or simple projects. Mbed OS is more suitable for users with intermediate to advanced experience and for more complex projects that require precise control and optimization. Both environments have their strengths and are widely used in the microcontroller development community.

    Comparative Table: XIAO RP2040 vs MAX32625PICO

    Comparative Table: XIAO RP2040 vs MAX32625PICO

    Aspect XIAO RP2040 MAX32625PICO
    Processor Dual-core Arm Cortex-M0+ @ 133MHz Arm Cortex-M4 @ 96MHz
    Flash Memory 2MB 512KB
    RAM 264KB 160KB
    GPIO Pins 11 34
    ADC Channels 4 8
    Interfaces UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI, USB, CAN
    USB Micro USB Micro USB
    Operating Voltage 3.3V 3.3V
    Power Consumption Low Ultra-Low
    Size 21 x 17.5 mm 25 x 7.6 mm
    Programming Languages MicroPython, C/C++ (Arduino) C/C++ (Mbed)
    Development Environment Arduino IDE, Thonny, VS Code Mbed Studio, Mbed Online Compiler
    Price Low Moderate
    /* mbed Microcontroller Library
     * Copyright (c) 2019 ARM Limited
     * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
    #include "mbed.h"
    // Blinking rate in milliseconds
    #define BLINKING_RATE     500ms
    int main()
        // Initialise the digital pin LED1 as an output
    #ifdef LED1
        DigitalOut led(LED1);
        bool led;
        while (true) {
            led = !led;

    The step by step

    We explore to program in Arduino IDE.

    First we copy the links that we found in a repository to be able to work with this Max32625pico microcontroller

    Here we were downloading it

    we located it

    The step by step

    and then download the ZIP

    It didn't work, we couldn't locate the board, we took an hour until we investigated and saw that it could be done with mbed.

    Here with mbed we have to download the program, maryori and I start downloading it

    we install mbed studio
    We see how it is being installed

    We wait, the good thing is that it didn't take long to download it, it was fast.

    Here Maryori already created an account to be able to enter Mbed, interesting that the platform is very similar to visual studio code,

    Here it was intuitive to be able to select the board when we connect it it appears

    We saw the programs that it has loaded and we programmed to turn on an internal LED that the board has, here in these two photos you can see the step by step

    Doing connection tests everything worked very well and turned on, we were very happy

    What went wrong

    The errors I had were in the tracks of my board which some were not well soldered so I had to make another one which turned out very well and I could continue with the practice.

    At the beginning I didn't light up a led and I was testing with the multimeter to see which track was the one that was failing and I found it and I could solve it.

    You have to keep in mind and the sensor libraries you are going to use I couldn't find the right one and that's why I get errors all the time.

    What went well

    I tried to place a temperature and humidity sensor and managed to connect it correctly so that it can measure the ambient temperature and humidity.

    The programming code for the LEDs came out very well and I was very excited.

    What I would do difherently

    What I would do differently is research the microcontroller I am going to use more than what I had already read and seen.

    I would document everything at the beginning because then it gets a little tedious documenting in all the time don't leave it to the last.
