
  • Group assignments:
  • Characterize your lasercutter's focus, power, speed, rate, kerf, joint clearance and types. Document your work to the group work page and reflect on your individual page what you learned.
  • Individual assignments:
  • Design, lasercut, and document a parametric construction kit, accounting for the lasercutter kerf, which can be assembled in multiple ways. Cut something on the vinyl cutter.

    All the important links are Here

    Learning outcomes

  • Demonstrate and describe parametric 2D modelling processes.
  • Identify and explain processes involved in using the laser cutter.
  • Develop, evaluate and construct a parametric construction kit.
  • Identify and explain processes involved in using the vinyl cutter.
  • Group Assignments

    Group Assignment

    Laser Cutter

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    What is it and How it works

    A laser cutter is a machine that uses a high-powered laser to cut materials such as wood, metal, and acrylic with precision and accuracy.A laser cutter works by focusing a high-powered laser beam onto a material's surface. This intense heat either melts, burns, or vaporizes the material, creating precise cuts or etchings. The machine follows a digital design or pattern, directing the laser along specific paths to create the desired shapes or designs with high accuracy and speed.

    The laser printer I have at my lab is Epilog fusion edge 12/24

    For a very detailed information on this laser printer, please have a look

    Technical Description

      • Model: Fusion Edge 24
      • Description: The Fusion Edge 24 is a laser cutting and engraving machine designed for precision and versatility in various fabrication applications.
      • Cutting Area: 24” x 12” (610 x 305 mm)
      • Description: The cutting area refers to the maximum dimensions within which the laser can cut or engrave materials. In the case of the Fusion Edge 24, it can handle materials within a 24-inch by 12-inch area.
      • Laser Type: Sealed CO2 Laser
      • Description: This laser cutter utilizes a sealed CO2 laser as its cutting and engraving source. CO2 lasers are known for their efficiency and effectiveness in a wide range of materials, including wood, acrylic, plastic, and more.
      • Laser Power: Up to 120 Watts
      • Description: The Fusion Edge 24 offers laser power options that can range up to 120 watts. This range of power settings allows for precise control over the intensity of the laser beam, enabling users to work with different materials and achieve various cutting and engraving effects.
      • Optional Accessories: Autofocus System
      • Description: The Fusion Edge 24 offers an optional autofocus system for automatic focal adjustment. This feature enhances ease of use and ensures optimal focus for cutting and engraving tasks, particularly when working with materials of varying thicknesses or irregular surfaces.The autofocus system is shown in the "operating machine"part
      • Importance: Autofocusing in laser cutting ensures precise and consistent results by adjusting the focal point of the laser beam to match the material's surface. It enhances accuracy, efficiency, and ease of use, making it crucial for achieving high-quality cuts and engravings across various materials and thicknesses.
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    Operating the Machine

    For a very detailed guide on operating and using the laser printer, I highly recommend you to go through this guide for its very informative description like the one below

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    Laser Cutter Safety


    • Stay attentive: Never operate the laser cutter while unattended. Always monitor the machine during operation.
    • Clean the machine: Regularly clean the laser system to prevent the buildup of cutting and engraving residue, which can create a fire hazard.
    • Have a fire extinguisher: Keep a properly maintained and inspected fire extinguisher nearby. Consider using a Halotron extinguisher for clean and effective suppression.
    • Connect to a vent: Always operate the laser cutter with a properly functioning exhaust system to remove smoke, debris, and harmful compounds generated during engraving or cutting.


    • Operate unvented: Never use the laser cutter without a properly operating vent to the outside or to a filtration unit.
    • Run unattended: Never leave the laser cutter running without someone watching the system. This reduces the risk of fire in case of improper settings or mechanical/electrical failures.
    • Vector cut unattended: Avoid laser cutting any material without supervision, especially during vector cutting, as the buildup of heat can pose a significant fire risk.
    • Operate with open doors: Never operate the laser cutter with any covers or enclosures removed. The invisible laser beam is very dangerous.


    A kerf is the width of material removed during cutting, like laser cutting or sawing. It's the gap or groove created in the material as it's cut.

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    Firstly, to undertand "kerf" better, lets learn what a pressfit design is, where the "kerf" is applicable for better undertanding. A press fit design involves creating two or more parts that fit together tightly without the need for additional fasteners like screws or glue. The parts are designed with interlocking features, such as tabs and slots, that require pressure to assemble, resulting in a secure and stable connection.

    Now picture this,You're crafting a press-fit design, envisioning two pieces fitting together like puzzle pieces. You measure the slot width to be exactly the same as the material thickness, thinking you've nailed it. But wait! The laser cutter has a mischievous streak. It sneaksily removes a tiny bit of material during cutting, widening the gap just enough to throw off your perfect fit. Suddenly, your press-fit masterpiece turns into a wobbly mess, like trying to squeeze into skinny jeans after a hearty meal! To outsmart the laser's shenanigans, you've got to factor in this sneaky "kerf" width and adjust your design accordingly. Keep those lasers in check, and let's keep those press-fits puzzle-perfect!

    Designing with Laser Cutter Kerf

    Designing with the laser cutter kerf requires adjusting slot widths using the formula material_thickness - kerf = slot_width. For precise press fit assemblies, this ensures parts fit snugly despite material removal during cutting.

    material_thickness-kerf = sloth_width

    Speed,Power and Measuring kerf

    Our instructor kindly demonstrated us the process of knowing different cuts, setting and kerf.

    Firstly we created different circles and laser cut it with different speed and power.Through that process we learned the perfect power and speed for good laser cut outcomes.

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    To measure kerf we drew finger joints with different dimensions and to measure the sloth_widths accurately we used the tool digital caliper.

    This is the result of measuring the kerf of the dimensions of the cuts in the cardboard by the machine.

    The formula is: Kerf = (intended cut - actual cut )/2

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    It seems lazy but I used notion's AI to calculate my kerf by asking it to create a table with 3 colums. I entered the values and asked it to subtract the two values and write the answers in the third column. Then I asked it to find the average kerf.

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    Individual Assignments

    When developing parameters for the model, I aimed to establish a logical and interconnected framework where each parameter relates to others in a meaningful way. I identified key base or control parameters that serve as foundational elements guiding other measurements. For instance, in the case of press-fit kits, using 'material thickness + kerf' as a base parameter ensures consistency and precision in designing interlocking components. This base dimension forms the cornerstone upon which other parameters build, with each parameter mathematically tied to this foundation. By structuring parameters in this manner, I sought to create a coherent and intuitive system that facilitates efficient and accurate modeling processes.

    Designing 2-D parametric design

    Parametric Designing

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    I used Mr.Sanjay Surage's documentation as an inspiration for my pressfit parametric design. Thank you Mr.Sanjay Surage

  • Setting up the parameters
  • Please ignore my speliling for "slot" as "sloth"

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  • Using the Chamfer tool
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  • Exporting it
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  • After saving or exporting it as a DXF file and a SVG file, export it agin to the inkscape software on the device connected to the machine. And arrange it as you like and duplicate it as much as you want.
  • Your Image Description

    Laser Cutting

    Firstly to start laser cutting it is essential to understand and know the control panel.

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    Then to laser cut your design adjust it to the size of your wanting and the printing area.

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    Then import your material

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  • The steps I took in these were to auto focus and start printing.
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    Then start laser cutting

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  • This is me happy with how it was turning out
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  • The cut was successful, it stood strong and rigid
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  • I continued with the rest of the laser cutting after it worked.
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    Robot Dog

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    Cat tower

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    I made this with pieces from my friends pressfit design.

    Please visit their website on how to make the parts

    Damzang Chimi Seldon Ngawang Pemo Drukpa

    Vinyl Cutter

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    The model of the vinyl cutter we have the lab is the Roland GS-24 also known as the Roland CAMM-1 GS-24

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    What is it and How it works

    A vinyl cutter is a machine used to precisely cut designs, shapes, and lettering from vinyl sheets or rolls. It operates by using a sharp blade to follow digital designs created in vector graphics software. A vinyl cutter works like a printer, but instead of printing, it cuts out shapes and letters from vinyl sheets. You design your artwork on a computer, then send it to the vinyl cutter. The cutter has a small blade that moves back and forth, cutting the design out of the vinyl while leaving the backing sheet untouched. Once cut, you can peel away the excess vinyl, leaving your design ready to stick onto surfaces like walls, windows, or clothing.

    for the user's manual and installation guide for macintosh and windows, please have a look

    for more information and for the original labelled diagrams,please visit here

    I got my labelled diagrams from the above website

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    I will be using the sticker I created last week, that is a traced bitmap of a butterlamp sketch I drew.

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    This was my first time using the vinyl cutter and I aslo decided to print another one. I chose a combination of funny pictures of the fab DGI team including my instructor.

    For the softwares I used like inkscape and Gimp, look at my assignment of week 2 for the detailed process

    For the design I wanted the pictures to include the people, so I found individual pictures since I didn't have any picture which included all of us. Then I took out the background of all the pictures and combined them. I did all of these in the Gimp software I had learned the week before.

    Firstly, I edited the pictures in Gimp

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    Then I saved the file and exported it in inkscape. This is how it looks when it is saved

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    Then export it in inkscape

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    Then trace the bitmap

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    Hoorey! You have finished tracing the bitmap, your sticker is ready!

    Now the moment you have been awaiting for, PRINTING IT!

    Extracting contour line from your sticker

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    Deciding on Vinyl Cutter Settings

    Vinyl cutter settings are determined by a variety of criteria, including the type of vinyl used, the complexity of the design, and the cutter's capabilities. Specific settings for the Roland CAMM-1 GS-24, such as cut depth, pressure, and speed, are critical for making clean and exact cuts.

    Cut Depth:

    This explains how deeply the cutter blade cuts the vinyl substance. The vinyl's thickness determines its ideal cut depth. The cut depth setting on the vinyl cutter might vary depending on the type of vinyl being used, often ranging from 0.05mm to 0.3mm.

    Cut Pressure:

    This controls the force with which the cutter blade presses down on the vinyl material. Thicker or denser vinyl requires more cut pressure, while thinner materials require less.

    Cut Speed:

    This affects how fast the vinyl material is sliced by the cutting blade. Wider cutouts or simpler designs usually require faster speeds, but more complex designs or finer details benefit from slower rates.

    Remember to set the origin. The Roland vinyl cutter's origin setting enables accurate alignment, consistent cuts, and efficient material use.

    To set the origin use the controllers and choose the place where you would like to start printing your sticker then hold onto the origin button until it displays the text, "ORIGIN SET".

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    1. Design Import: Design Import: The first step is to import your design into the cutting software. Make sure to check the design's positioning and scale within the cutting area to ensure its accuracy.
    2. Cutting Settings: The pressure and speed of the cutting should be adjusted according to the type and thickness of vinyl material you are using. This process ensures precise and clean cuts.
    3. Test Cut: Before cutting the full design, make sure all the settings are correct and then test by performing a test cut on a small piece of vinyl. This helps you avoid wasting material and lets you make any necessary modifications.
    4. Send Design to Cutter: Upload the design to the vinyl cutter for cutting whenever you're satisfied with the test cut. Make sure the cutter is prepared for use and in "cut" mode.
    5. Inspect Cutting Process:Inspect the vinyl being cut to make sure it's being done correctly and that nothing is going wrong, like the material moving or the blade not aligning.
    6. Apply Sticker: When the cutting is finished, carefully remove the extra vinyl that surrounds your design. Next, make sure the sticker is firmly adhered to the surface by smoothing down any air bubbles.Make sure all air bubbles are gone by smoothing the sticker onto the surface.
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    "Weeding" is the process of cutting away any extra vinyl that surrounds the design.

    Weeding typically occurs more rapidly and easily in designs that are simpler and contain less tiny elements. Using your fingers or a weeding tool (I used a tweezer), carefully peel away the excess vinyl material once the chosen design is all that is left on the backing sheet.

    To prevent raising or harming the design elements, it is imperative in these circumstances to remove any excess vinyl gently and carefully.

    The weeding process typically involves the following steps:

    1. Using a weeding tool or your fingers, carefully remove any extra vinyl material that remains surrounding the vinyl pattern once the cutter has cut it. Peel off a piece of the extra vinyl to begin, then carefully move your way around the design.
    2. Take extra caution to remove all unneeded vinyl pieces while maintaining the design in the little details and delicate regions.
    3. Cover the entire design with transfer film after the weeding process is finished. To make sure the transfer film sticks to the vinyl design, firmly press down.
    4. Peel the backing sheet off gently, being careful to keep the vinyl design stuck to the transfer film.
    5. Make sure that the transfer film with the vinyl pattern is properly aligned before placing it onto the appropriate surface.
    6. To apply the vinyl design to the surface, firmly press down on the transfer film.
    7. Finally, slowly peel away the transfer film, leaving behind the vinyl design on the surface.

    By following these steps and practicing patience and precision, you can achieve clean and professional-looking results when weeding vinyl cut designs.

    Personally, weeding was not hard since my design was not that intricate, it was simply removed by using a tweezer easily.

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    Reflection on Weekly Assignment

    One of the key takeaways is the importance of understanding the parameters of the vinyl cutter, such as cut depth, cut pressure, and cut speed, and how they influence the final outcome of the cut designs. Experimenting with different settings and materials allowed me to optimize the cutting process and achieve high-quality results.

    All things considered, this assignment has improved my understanding of vinyl cutting and given me insightful knowledge about the methods and factors to take into account when working with vinyl materials. I also learned more about the weeding procedure and the value of transfer film in precisely transferring vinyl graphics to surfaces.

    My fusion360 file

    My butterlamp .svg file is in the week 2 assignment

    This is my inkscape file for the funny sticker