About Me

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My Education

Hey there! How are you doing? I am Dawa Seldon, aka Nangsel.I am a 14-year-old student currently cruising through the 9th grade at the Royal Academy. Its not a typical school in Bhutan, we follow the Bhutan Baccalaureate curriculum, and guess what? My school is the pioneer of this unique learning path, now adopted by 22 schools across Bhutan! What sets my academy apart is its focus and priority on holistic education.We explore the five areas of development.

My prestigious school is all about shaping us not just academically, but as well-rounded individuals. And here's the cool part, we got a chance to take up the Fab Academy course! It's an exciting opportunity that adds a whole new dimension to our learning journey.Currently, I'm exploring the world of 3D design, delving into Fusion 360 with basics from Tinkercad. Alongside this, I'm gaining hands-on experience with 3D,laser printers and CNC benchtop milling machines, transforming my digital creations into physical reality. This learning journey fuels my passion for the intersection of creativity and technology

My Background

I hail from a small but lovable village in Punakha, a region that held the status of Bhutan's capital until 1955.This is my fathers hometown.My mother is from the other side of the Bhutan Map. From a rural village that is known to have strong people. My village has the best scenic view. Its my comfort place. Dzongkha, the national language, is widely spoken in this district. Notably, Punakha is home to the country's second largest dzong, a fortress that enshrines the body of Zhabdrung, the influential figure behind the construction of many dzongs in Bhutan.I'm the youngest in a close-knit family that includes an elder brother and a bunch of beloved cousins. My family is beyond the definition of an animal lover. I'm an animal lover, particularly fond of dogs. Recently, I've found a growing affection for cats, adding another layer to my love for animals. Their independent yet affectionate nature has carved a special place in my heart, expanding the circle of furry companions that bring joy to my life.This is the view from my home in my home town.

This is the view of my villge's paddy fields

My Hobbies

Finding solace through bullet journaling and dancing, these are my passions that offer creative outlets for self-expression.I turn to reading the most when I'm low to get lost in the twisted worlds in the books, and I dslike it when I lose track when reading. When sports may not be my strength, my enthusiam knows no bounds for other activities, and I'm always eager to participate and contribute to various endeavors.


I am fueled with a strong motivation to pursue enrollment in the Fab Academy. The catalyst behind this drive is one of my teachers at school who not only completed the Fab Academy course but also passionately shares his experiences with the immense workload and the profound knowledge it bestowed upon him. He has emerged as the most knowledgeable teacher at my school in the Technology domain and everything related to Fab Lab. The prospect of being able to teach what I learn from this course to my fellow students further intensifies my excitement, as I believe this teaching opportunity will significantly enhance my own understanding. The emphasis on good coding and Fab Lab knowledge in the course aligns perfectly with my eagerness to acquire comprehensive skills and highly needed skills in coding and other valuable areas related to Fab Lab technology.