
Conclusion to the Fab Academy 2024 course

Reflecting on my journey through the Fab Academy course, I realize how transformative this experience has been. Despite the many challenges, especially in electronics and programming, the skills and memories I've gained are invaluable.

I am incredibly proud of what I have learned. The Fab Academy course has become an integral part of who I am, shaping my skills and character in ways I never imagined. This course will always be a significant chapter in my life.

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Thank you Sir Anith, aka the best instructor. Thank you sir, for guiding us and assuring us thriughout the course. It has been an honour to have been taught by you.

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Thank you Sir Rico, though you might not have stayed with us for long, your presence here was highly appreciated you are an inspiration to all. Especially for your sense of humour sir.

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Thank you Thinley Wozer Thank you for helping me with electronics.Thank you teaching me what you knew when I was just a beginner.

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Thank you Ngawang Pemo Thank you for helping me when I knew nothing.Thank you teaching me what you knew when I was just a beginner. (Thank you for making tiktok with me during leisure times)

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Thank you Damzang Chimi Thank you for making us all laugh. Thank you teaching me what you knew when I was just a beginner.

The people I've met and grown close to during this course have enriched this experience profoundly. My colleagues Ngawang Pemo Dukpa, Damzang Chimi Seldon, Thinley Wozer Dorji, and Yangtshel Wangyel have become dear friends, people I may not have connected with if not for this course. I am grateful for the friendship and support we shared.

I also deeply appreciate my instructors. Sir Anith, who has tirelessly guided and taught us, and Sir Rico, whose humor and support have kept me motivated and smiling through the tough times, have both been instrumental in my journey. Their dedication and encouragement have made a lasting impact on me.

These are the group photos that I'll always cherish.

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The Fab Academy is not just about acquiring skills; it's about becoming part of a community. The bonds I've formed, the support I've received, and the collective effort we put into our work have made the learning environment feel like home. This sense of community is what I believe Fab Academy is truly about.

As I move forward, I feel prepared to face the world outside Bhutan. The skills I've acquired and the relationships I've built have equipped me to tackle new challenges and pursue my goals with more confidence than before. Though I am not so confident in my skills so much.

In conclusion, Fab Academy has been a journey of growth, learning, and connection. It has given me memories to cherish, skills to build upon, and a community that will always be a part of me. I am excited to carry these experiences and lessons with me as I step into the future.