Electronics design

Group assignment

  • use the test equipment in your lab to observe the operation of a microcontroller circuit board

For group testing we decided to try to use the multimeter and osciloscope to try to measure… something :)

1st measure, board vcc, seamed about right. Multimeter set to measure continous voltage and measure from VCC ISP pin and GND gnd.

For next exercise, measured the voltage once led is on.

For the osciloscope, we played a bit while trying to plot some kind of wave that is generated by the Resonator and see also noise levels. This was more to learn how to work with one of the lab osciloscopes. Adjusting V/div scale and time/div, zoom, etc, to try to examine the wave signal.

Then while measuring the wave, we decided to add a 2nd channel, to also measure/display when the led was on.

This group assignment was done by using the boards we made.

Individual assignment