Week 17. Interface and application programming

08.05.19 Class

During the class of this assignment, Neil has explained to us all the languages that exist at the time of programming. Then he showed us the different user interfaces, data and devices. Has continued to show us programs for graphics, multimedia, VR, mathematics, performance and deploy.
After this he explained the assignment and I have begun to raise a lot of doubts about where to start and how to face this assignment.

Week planification

This week I decided not to plan and work on the fly in the processing program, which has been the one I have chosen to perform the assignment.

Individual assignment

To start working with processing, the first thing I did was download it from the following link:Processing
Once downloaded I have started by making small examples from the base of this program. The first thing I have done has been to give shape to the graphic window where I am going to work.
Size (500, 500); // size of the window in pixels
Background (135, 24, 35); // background color
bici1 bici1 The next step I have made has been to enter a point.
Point (300, 400); // point with coordinates (X, Y)
bici1 As I can not see the point well, thickening this with:
strokeWeight (10);
bici1 After many tests I have generated an example program, processing iniciate
, that I have called 1 and that is the initiation that I have done with the basic functions discussed within this.
bici1 after this example program I have continued working on basic functions that can be found in the processing catalog and I have generated a second initiation code: processing iniciate 2
bici1 Once I have made several examples of code and I have tried the program it is time to join my input, a phototransistor, to a screen that programs in processing. I have made an example with a bar that also shows the data that the phototransistor reads. In the following video you can see the result obtained: The program that I used to make this example has been the following:
Processing phototransistor


In this assignment I have learned a lot and I have never worked a program with these characteristics, if I have worked with Arduino and it has seemed similar, I liked it a lot and when I have more time I will continue investigating and learning from it