Myraida Rivera Marzán
FabAcademy 2015
HappyLab Vienna, Austria
A personal portfolio of technical accomplishments resulting from Fab Academy’s weekly projects each representing an individual Fab Academy Certificate in Digital Fabrication directed by Neil Gershenfeld of MIT’s Center For Bits and Atoms and based on MIT’s rapid prototyping course,
MAS 863: How to Make (Almost) Anything.
About Me

I started my Design Thinking career in my home country, Puerto Rico.
After receiving an undergraduate degree in Environmental Design, and separate graduate degrees in Architecture and Civil Engineering - with focus on Construction Engineering and Management- I lived and worked in the USA, Germany, United Arab Emirates and currently in Austria.
I joined Fab Academy in order to update my digital technology skills and apply my knowledge to inspire my four wonderfully creative children, other children and myself to get inventive, experiment more and have fun making almost anything we imagine.