1.17 Invention, Intellectual Property and Income

The assigment:

Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project.

Communication Plan

Document purpose

The objective of this project component is to communicate efectively the existance of a product and to generate interest in its buying.

Revision history

0.1 | 20 July 2013 | Uploaded to site

0.1 | 30 July 2013 | Update

Executive summary

The main issue is to comunicate the availability of these products and generate interest on its buying/use. This implies to make a diffusion inside the Fab Lab Network first as potential early users. We have expected to generate interest on the use of this code and create new users of it. Our numbers are defined accordingly to the budget we have to make this: 0 USD, so we expect at least 1000 people to meet our products, 100 download our source codes and 10 people show interest to buy a kit.

Integration Management

This communication endeavour is linked to all the other process of the project, especially because the work is going to be develop through iterations of increasing complexity and from the viable system to the extended system.

The project governance has an evaluation comitee (Fab Academy) but given that is essentially a one-man operation all the decisions concerning the design, execution and change of the project will remain under my responsability.

The roles of the people and institutions related to the project are:

  • Concept and Development: Paul Giron
  • Instructor: Neil Gershenfeld / MIT Center for Bits and Atoms
  • Tutors: Luciano Betoldi, Tomas Diez / Fab Lab Barcelona
  • Location: Institute for Advanced Arquitecture of Catalonia
  • Laboratory: Fab Lab Barcelona
  • The iterative nature of the project will permit to focus only on the functionalities of the product in order to achieve its finalization. Most of the changes will be deployed as soon is required and the documentation will reflect that.

    The project iteration will be closed and the documentation will reflect it. In order to achieve an easy continuing of the project, there is minimal information required of the most components: source codes, integrations diagrams, photographs and videos.

    Through the project, some changes can and will be made to the product design.

    Scope Management

    Through the project, some changes can and will be made to the product design and the project itself. All the changes are restricted to the considerations and criteria especified by the Fab Academy.

    What we consider inside a this communication plan are the activities required to the diffusion of the product. In that order of ideas, it is considered inside this project component:

  • Deployment of a informational website
  • Deployment of pages inside social media sites: /, +, >, IN, @
  • Deployment of a crowdsourcing page
  • Get a review inside a newspaper
  • Get an interview from a radio, or TV station
  • Writing of a review to send inside the Fab Academy email list
  • Also it is considered outside this project component:

  • Production of audiovisuals
  • Payment of an PR agency firm
  • Deployment of a virtual store inside the website
  • The main constrains are the ones related with the budget, given that initially the project is self financed.: Aditional constrains are related to the use of the fab inventory components plus an aditional of 50 euro to buy more components.

    The stakeholders of the communication component of the project are: Fab Academy directors, instructor, tutors and future customers.

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