1.14 Networking and communication

Ideas: Nine nodes

This week assignment, my idea is to build a nine nodes network.
8 nodes

Board milling and breaking

If you want to test more than one serial bus node you can use my image modification here (is the GIMP source so you can export into PNG).

Several boards in a run


Physical stuff (Atoms)

  • Circuits: Hello.bus.45 8 circuit boards
  • Power source: USB TTL Serial Cable. 6 way, 0.1" pitch single inline connector
  • Link intercircuits: 4-Pin DIL Ribbon Cable, 3 Inch
  • If you don't have a 4 pin cable, there is also a hack, you can use a 6 or 10 pin DIL cable and add 4, 6 or 10 pin DIL female headers

    Digital stuff (Bits)

  • Hello.bus.45 source code and makefile
  • Application to interface with serial port: GtkTerm, Arduino/Serial monitor, Term.py
  • Instructions


  • Step 0: Modify the source code of hello.bus.45.c. In the line 222 add a const declaration, the final line should be: const static char message[] PROGMEM = "node ";
  • Step 1: Program the bridge circuit board (using the FabISP burn the c code into the circuit: sudo make -f hello.bus.45.make program-usbtiny). Result: Bridge programmed
  • Step 2: Program a node (using the FabISP burn the c code into the circuit). Result: Node(s) programmed (Repeat this step if you have several nodes, dont forget to change: #define node_id '0' according to the node id)
  • Step 3: Connect the bridge and the PC through the USB TLL Serial cable. Result: the network will have energy and data through the serial port
  • Step 4: Connect the nodes and the bridge through a wire (that is a serial bus network)
  • Step 5: Execute the application (GtkTerm: sudo gtkterm) and select Configuration->Port-> Port:/dev/ttyUSB0 and Baud rate: 9600. Result: Interact with the network
  • Step 6: Input the node id number. The node whose id is equal the number you input will flash twice.
  • Results:

    The serial bus networks works sending messages. Each node receives an input and evaluates acoording this criteria: if the number sended is equals the id node number, then the node will flash its LED twice. otherwise it will pass the information to the next node and flash only one time.

    Inspirations from HTMAA

    Full visual journey

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