Fab academy 2020   

Assignment 03

Computer Aided Design.

"life is a DIY Project" -jerry rig everything

About this assignment

Objective of this Assignment

To learn 2D & 3D Designing softwares

About this assignment

Vector VS Raster Design

Vector: It is formed by using various shapes. The vector designs are scalable. The Vector Images can be converted into Raster Images but not the other way arounnd.
Raster: It is comprised of pixels. The Raster images lose quality when they are Scaled. The Raster Images cannot be converted into Vector images.

The File formats for Vector Images are: SVG, CGM, EPS, XML.
and the softwares used are: inkscape, freeCAD.
The File formats for Raster Images are: BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG.
and the softwares used are: GIMP, myPaint, imageMagick.

Photo Gallery

these are some screenshots of designs which I made in softwares like Inkscape, MyPaint, GIMP, FreeCAD, SolidWorks.

What did I learn from this Assignment?
Things i learned from this assignment