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Principles and Practices / Project Management

Modular Fogponics

Why I call it modular?

It’s called modular because it could be assembled from different parts, the parts consists of trays. Sowing and seedling trays, jointing and flowing trays, filling and maturing trays. The trays will be interconnected and information on hydration, temperature and PH will be displayed.

Instead of soil or ceramic rocks I would like to experiment with propagation gel or as known as planting gel but I guess these ambitions will come after making the box work. Whats great about plant gel is that it can hold water and be a mixture of nutrients for the plants I would like to experiment with that using Fogponics.

Automated Seeding/ Grow Box based on the stages of growth. The cycle of growing plants goes through different phases:

  1. Sowing
  2. Seedling
  3. Jointing
  4. Flowering
  5. Filling
  6. Maturing


final sketch

What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. Hyper Text are embedded links that you can click on and a Markup Language as a written language is used to build your web site. HTML language tells your browser what to do with your text. Sites contain content such as text, media, tables and links.

To edit your code and build a web site you need a code editor. After using Atom as my code editor I switched to Microsoft Visual Studio Editor. I found Visual Studio to work much more lighter on my PC compared to Atom.

This week I learned how to build a site using plain HTML.

My learning sources were Fab Academy Tutorials , Code Academy and w3schools.

Basic HTML Page Structure

basic html


Markdown is a software tool that converts text to HTML. For documentation I found MARKDOWN to be a perfect choice because of its ease of use and style. To make a HTML site look good I need to spend allot of time to learn more about CSS and JAVA but since I'm more interested in practicality I choose to stick with MARKDOWN. I followed the Fab Academy tutorial for setting up my page.

Image Magic

To compress my images I found Image Magic to be the best option. With Image Magic I can compress my image via the terminal. The image quality after compression is impressive and keeps good sharpness.

Create a folder and place the images you need to resize and compress and create another folder and name it resize.

screenshot of folder

Open folder containing images in terminal. I use this command to resize images mogrify -path resize -adaptive-resize 50% -quality 60% *.jpg

screenshot of folder


final sketch

screenshot of folder

Git Tutorial

I used the Git Simple Cheat Sheet Tutorial available on the FabLab Academy website Tutorial Page.

  1. Create an account on GitLab.
  2. Install git on linux in terminal "sudo apt-get install git".
  3. On your computer create a dedicated folder for GitLab.
  4. Open the folder in terminal and type "git init" to set the folder as the initialized directory.
  5. Set your email and username for git.
  6. Generate SHH key and save it on your PC.
  7. Copy key gen by entering "cat ~/.ssh/" in the terminal copy and add it to your site.
  8. Clone your site by going to your main page and copy Clone with SHH.
  9. Open GitLab dedicated folder in terminal and enter "git clone" command along with the link copied.
  10. To upload weekly assignments to Gitlab, open folder in terminal and enter "git add." to add all chagnes done then tag the change done by entering "git commit -m ‘change you did’".
  11. "git push" to push content.

gitkey screenshot

gitkey screenshot

gitkey screenshot

gitkey screenshot


Learning to write HTML took me some time to understand it wasn’t that hard. Getting around code editors was an experience specially when switching to another software. There’s still allot to learn about HTML and coding with other languages such as JAVA and CSS. This is whats interesting about learning this skill that it open doors to learn other web development languages.

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