About me¶
Hi ! My name is Axel. I’m an electronician, working as a lab technician at the Free University of Bruxelles (in Belgium).
I got a bachelor degree in Electronics at the High School of the city of Liège in 2013.
After that, I worked for 3 month at Gillam-FEI.
Then I got an e-mail with the best job offer I could (not) imagine : setting-up a fablab in a research lab and use it to create scientific experiments ! I got the job and started working in the TrioS.lab in September 2014.
Now we changed the labs’s name into Frugal Science Lab, but the website is not up-to-date.
A short story¶
I discovered the Fabcademy in 2017, when my boss Denis Terwagne announced me that he joined the class. At first, when I saw the big list of electronic components that I had to order before the “Electronic production” course, I was thinking “What good can he do with it ?” but as the students came to my lab to ask for help, I saw their understanding improve and their interest increase. Then it started to make sense to me.
Now it’s my turn to join the adventure ! (Thanks to Bruxelles-propreté for funding my tuition fee)
More tales coming soon !