Group Task

Molding & Casting

For all of us it was the first time to work with the technique of casting and molding. Therefore, our local instructor gave us safety instructions while working with molding and casting materials like concrete and silicone. We used gloves and masks when creating our casts.

Additionally, we had a look at the datasheets of the used materials. You can see extracts of these sheets in the pictures underneath. Additionally, at the end of the page you find the full versions of the datasheets.


While reading through the datasheets of the used materials (sadly only in German) we realised that they include mostly the same sections. E.g. mixture of components, first aid tips etc. Also very important is the section of how to storage the material as a wrong storage technique may affect the quality of the material and can also be dangerous for the people that work with it.

Datasheet extract of the concrete.

Datasheet extract of the silicone base.

Test Casts

For both materials we used the mold we made in the three step process to produce test casts with the silicone and the concrete. That way requirements for the casts were similar and comparing the casts was possible. We compared them in terms of precision, dissolubility of the casts from the mold and robustness.


Attached files:

Concrete Datasheet
Silicone Base Datasheet
Silicone Binder Datasheet