# COVID-19 Response
The Fab Academy is uniquely well-equipped to provide hands-on instruction during a pandemic, successfully and safely graduating a cohort in 2020.
Given the globally distributed nature of the program we've been a pioneer in blended learning models, making early use of emerging tools for videoconferencing and online content management; these have always supported remote as well as in-person learning.
Our experience with using fab labs to make fab labs has led to an ability to provide digital fabrication capabilities for working at home, and for using machines at a distance, as well as more conventional shared lab access. The balance among these approaches has been adapted according to evolving regional requirements; in all cases students end up meeting the same standards for the skills they learn.
Nodes (opens new window) follow local guidance on operational restrictions, with global coordination on best practices and schedule adaptation. If you have any questions about how these might apply to you, please contact coordination@fabacademy.org