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3. Computer controlled cutting

Group Assignment:
- [x] do your lab’s safety training
- [ ] characterize your lasercutter’s focus, power, speed, rate,
- [ ] kerf, joint clearance and types

Individual assignment:
- [x] cut something on the vinylcutter
- [x] design, lasercut, and document a parametric construction kit,
- [x] accounting for the lasercutter kerf,
- [x] which can be assembled in multiple ways,
- [x] and for extra credit include elements that aren’t flat

Types and principles of computing controlled cutting.

These are most based on the materlas of the cutting objects. Due to the difference of the cutting materials, it will have different cutting knife to cut the materials by touch methods or none touch methods.The basic materials will be paper, clothes, wood or metal.
1. Knife cutting. It normally have a knife to cut the materials by using the computer to control the trails of knife or cutting materrials in 2D plane. 
2. Print and cutting. It normall used in cuttting the giant painting materials.
3. Laser cutting. It will based on an laser knife to cutting the thin wooden borads or other not easyly burned materials.
4. Plasma or CNC cutting. It will be used to cutting the thick woods or metal.
5. Waterjet cutting. It’s used to cutting the metal boards.
6. Hot Wire cutting. It will be used cutting the plastic materials.
7. Wire EDM cutting. This is high adcanced methods which integrated lots of knife for different materials.

Previous works on Laser cutting.

Before Fab academy, I learned how to use CNC and Laser cutting when I was in school and last job. Here is some samples which I made before. a. Laser cutting - Mr.Sun toys.

Aryclic Cases and buckle details

b. Laser cutting - Start War ships

c. Grove environment monitor

Previous works on CNC cutting.

This is a project that i’ve learned from Google in 2016 which is comes from IKEA project with a Secret Innovation Lab called Space10.
I made this for our revious company garnden by only using the sketch image from internet.

Practice on laser cutting.

Design via Inkscape >> Save as Laser cutting file format(svg, dxf) >> Set the Laser Frequency then calibrate the laser zero point >> Test the laser then place the boards